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Axel Pfaender on Behance
Axel Pfaender on Behance
I am an illustrator and designer from Germany. The main focus of my work are illustrations for magazines and corporate clients. I love to combine constructed architectural forms with humorous characters and whimsical details, using bold colors, graphical patterns and clean vector strokes. Every now and then I enjoy working on information graphics and diagrams. My sources of inspiration are architecture, vintage industrial design, Memphis graphics, 8-bit computer games and japanese Anime. My work has been published in magazines like Monocle, Men's Journal, Popular Mechanics, Dummy, Fluter, F...
Axel Pfaender on Behance
Yu Sang on Behance
Yu Sang on Behance
Hi, I am Yu Sang , a freelance illustrator working from Beijing, China. Welcome to contact me for any commissions!
Yu Sang on Behance
Myriam Wares on Behance
Myriam Wares on Behance
En I'm a freelance illustrator from Montreal, Canada. Visit my website so see my full portfolio and learn more about me (and don't forget to subscribe to my Newsletter)! Fr Je suis une illustratrice professionnelle de Montréal, vous pouvez visiter mon site web afin de voir mon portfolio complet et d'en apprendre plus sur moi (et n'oubliez pas de vous abonner à mon Infolettre)!
Myriam Wares on Behance
Benoit Lapray on Behance
Benoit Lapray on Behance
Born in 1980 in Bourgogne (France). Studied photography for 4 years at school. Full time advertising photographer and retoucher for 7 years in France, in 2 different studios (in Annecy and Lyon). Now based in Paris, working as Freelance Advertising, Editorial, and Fine Art Photographer. Studio located in Montreuil, in the suburb of Paris. Portfolio : Fine art shop : - Favorite topics : Creative sceneries, Landscapes, Architecture. - Prize : "UPC Decouverte" winner in 2007 in France (with architecture shots). - Exhibitions : La maison des photog...
Benoit Lapray on Behance
Elise Fournier on Behance
Elise Fournier on Behance
Graphiste, Illustratrice Lilloise. Illustration vectorielle/ traditionelle, graphisme.
Elise Fournier on Behance
Leonard Dupond on Behance
Leonard Dupond on Behance
Hi curious visitor who landed on my profile, embark with me on a journey of time travel filled with drawings of history and future technologies. I work as a Freelance and I am happy to count many prestigious clients in my resume like : Apple, Science Magazine, Arianespace, Wired, HATVP, Buzzfeed, BETC, Publicis, Die Ziet, BMW, Usbek and Rica, Arte. Represented by Agent 002 in Europe and by Garance Illustration in north America
Leonard Dupond on Behance
Eric Dubois-Geoffroy on Behance
Eric Dubois-Geoffroy on Behance
Eric Dubois-Geoffroy, professional photographer, artist, Armentières (59) based in the Hauts-de-France region. travel option throughout France according to my projects. I realize shootings in studio or outside, personnal and artistic projects, as "A woman, a Perfume", "Digressions about the Red", "Commedia dell arte", "Melancholia project", etc. [ Collaboration ] Friendly approach, demanding & artistic, respectful of individual choice, to work together on new images and new media. Want to know more about my photographic universe and why not discover during a photo session, you have an artis...
Eric Dubois-Geoffroy on Behance
Thomas D'ADDARIO on Behance
Thomas D'ADDARIO on Behance
Hello, I'm Thomas D’Addario, a French graphic designer and creative illustrator, based in Lille, France. For commissions and print shop queries you can contact me at instagram: @thomasdaddario
Thomas D'ADDARIO on Behance
Designer graphique et illustrateur indépendant résidant à Lille, France. Si vous avez un projet ou une commande, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part sur
Boell Oyino on Behance
Boell Oyino on Behance
Video-games, animation, comics/manga are the fields where I provide my skills !
Boell Oyino on Behance
Exmachina // on Behance
Exmachina // on Behance
French web/graphic designer, based in Lille (north of France). Fond of video games, CG graphics and animation.
Exmachina // on Behance
Joachim Leclercq on Behance
Joachim Leclercq on Behance
Graphic artist, Art Director, and 2D Concept artist, I've worked for Cartoons (Mini Wakfu, Maxi mini), videogame (Abraca, Waven, Young Souls) and Edition (Paloma, Doggybags, Dofus manga, all published by Ankama Editions). I'm specialized mostly in Backgrounds and Colorization. Feel free to contact me for freelance work. Graphiste, directeur artistique, concept artist 2D, j'ai acquis une expérience dans différents domaines tels que l'édition (Paloma, Dofus, Doggybags,...) le dessin animé (Mini Wakfu, maxi mini), et le jeu vidéo (Abraca). Plus particulièrement spécialisé en backgrounds et col...
Joachim Leclercq on Behance
Eric Dubois-Geoffroy on Behance
Eric Dubois-Geoffroy on Behance
Eric Dubois-Geoffroy, professional photographer, artist, Armentières (59) based in the Hauts-de-France region. travel option throughout France according to my projects. I realize shootings in studio or outside, personnal and artistic projects, as "A woman, a Perfume", "Digressions about the Red", "Commedia dell arte", "Melancholia project", etc. [ Collaboration ] Friendly approach, demanding & artistic, respectful of individual choice, to work together on new images and new media. Want to know more about my photographic universe and why not discover during a photo session, you have an artis...
Eric Dubois-Geoffroy on Behance
Helene Loridant on Behance
Helene Loridant on Behance
Passionnée par le dessin, les jeux vidéo et le cinéma d'animation. Je suis diplômée d'une école supérieure en techniques graphiques, spécialiste dans le domaine de l'illustration et de l'animation 2D. J'aime beaucoup la conception de personnage et j'ai acquis de l'expérience en tant qu'animatrice et graphiste sur des projets de séries animées et de jeux vidéo.
Helene Loridant on Behance
Book en ligne de Julien Moya, directeur artistique et designer graphique freelance : sites et applis, jeux vidéo, illustration et animation.
Hélène Loridant
Hélène Loridant
Artiste 2D, spécialisée dans la création d'illustrations et d'animations pour des projets de film et de jeux vidéo: concept art, character design, rigging et animation, UI design, motion design...
Hélène Loridant