🐿️ Mice, a small story (2018)Animated short film Film Graduation Project School: ISART DIGITAL, the video game and 3D animation / VFX School. In a dark subway tunnel, a group of mice find…#Rigoladrink 69#operator#profils#CREATIS#Romaric RUNEMBERT🐿️ Mice, a small story (2018)
🐿️ Mélanie Pango | LinkedIn#Rigoladrink 69#operator#profils#CREATIS#Romaric RUNEMBERT🐿️ Mélanie Pango | LinkedIn
Manon KAWALECDirection développement, marketing et communication chez Osmoz mobilier & aménagement#Réseautage#Hauts-de-France#CREATIS#Communication#Marketing#Operator#Rigoladrink 65#Salariat#Trombinobus#ProfilsManon KAWALEC