Open Education Week 2020 : dans la mouvance des MOOC et des ressources éducatives libres, comprendre à quoi sert de diffuser mon cours et comment utiliser celui des autres, en toute légalité | Blog-numerique
Jeudi 5 mars 2020 - 14H00 - 17H00 – Direction de l’Innovation Pédagogique, Université de Lille, cité scientifique, avenue Paul Langevin, 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq
Ressources éducatives libres
L'expression ressources éducatives libres désigne « des matériaux d’enseignement, d'apprentissage ou de recherche appartenant au domaine public ou publiés avec une licence de propriété intellectuelle permettant leur utilisation, adaptation et distribution à titre gratuit ».
Circles Conference
September 10-11, 2020. Circles Conference is a three-day creative design conference by Circles Co., bringing together designers and makers from around the globe. Learning from transformative thinkers and connecting with like-minded innovators, Circles provides a space where you’ll be challenged to p
UX Design & Usability Conference by Lucrat
UX Sofia is event by Lucrat. The best conference to share user experience in Bulgaria. Offers practical trainings and professional networking in one! Top UX speakers with enormous experience and many projects behind, selected and up-to-date UX topics in real examples and case studies.
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The Phocuswright Conference | 2020 Phocuswright Conference: November 17-19, 2020, Phoenix, AZ
Get ready for the travel industry event of the year – the biggest gathering of influential leaders, pioneering executives and innovative startups. November 17 - 19, 2020 - Phoenix, Arizona & Online
Having Trouble Deciding on Your Best LinkedIn Picture? A Thought Process
Not sure how to pick your best LinkedIn profile picture based on Photofeeler data? Sometimes it's a struggle to choose your best LinkedIn profile picture even after testing photos. Here's our best advice for pinpointing your best LinkedIn profile picture despite complications that come up along the way,