Zapier | The easiest way to automate your work
MURAL is a digital workspace for visual collaboration
Our platform and professional services enable innovative teams to think and collaborate visually to solve important problems.
Krisp | Noise cancelling app
Vector icon speedruns : tuto pour créer des icônes rapidement sur Illustrator
It’s common to have to draw the same kinds of icons over and over — many different apps and websites use similar glyphs, but each instance typically needs to be tweaked for size and style, so they need to be redrawn.
Sizzy : Le navigateur des développeurs
Stop wasting time and speed up your development workflow
Datylon : Créer des infographies rapidement
Supercharge Your Chart Design, Online and in Adobe Illustrator
Google lance 3 outils gratuits pour aider les médias à améliorer leurs performances
Un tracking amélioré, des conseils personnalisés et un suivi en temps réel des performances de trafic.
Unminus : Banque de musiques libres de droit
ReNamer : Renommer vos fichiers rapidement