It deserved its own tome: Layered Design and the Extended Rails Way—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
We talk about Principal Backend Engineer Vladimir Dementyev’s new book on crafting ultra-maintainable Rails apps, “Layered Design for Ruby on Rails Applications”. We delve into the book, the Extended Rails Way, the future of Rails, his attempts to convince his nephew to try Rails, and more!
Why Ruby is [Still] Great for Web App Development in 2023
RoR has proven to be great for MVP development, demos, and scaling. In spite of being said to be dead, it is still used by many companies. Read why with real case studies included.
Last updated on February 21, 2021. One of the most valuable features Bullet Train provides for Rails developers is the implementation of collaborative teams, including invitations and user roles. The reason this feature is so valuable is that in so many situations developers and even product teams won’t consider
nil?, empty?, blank? in Ruby on Rails - what's the difference actually?
nil?, empty?, blank? in Ruby on Rails - what’s the difference actually? There are plenty of options available. Let’s evaluate their usefulness and potential problems that they bring to the table.
One of the longest running schisms in programming is that of static vs dynamic typing. I've heard a million arguments from both sides throughout my entire career, but seen very few of them ever convinced anyone of anything. As rationalizations masquerading as reason rarely do in matters of faith. The rider will always justify the way o...