It deserved its own tome: Layered Design and the Extended Rails Way—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
We talk about Principal Backend Engineer Vladimir Dementyev’s new book on crafting ultra-maintainable Rails apps, “Layered Design for Ruby on Rails Applications”. We delve into the book, the Extended Rails Way, the future of Rails, his attempts to convince his nephew to try Rails, and more!
Modern Front-End Development for Rails, Second Edition
Combine Rails 7, TypeScript, Turbo, Stimulus, and React to build rich user interaction into your websites using the best of both server and client-side tools.
Why Ruby is [Still] Great for Web App Development in 2023
RoR has proven to be great for MVP development, demos, and scaling. In spite of being said to be dead, it is still used by many companies. Read why with real case studies included.
rails devise jwt auth tutorial for rails api only mode
This is a revision of a blog post I released at the end of 2020. It has been brought up to date with the newest version of ruby 3.2.0 and rails 7. I've also ...