First-Time Home Buyers

First-Time Home Buyers

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Weatherization | Contra Costa County, CA Official Website
Weatherization | Contra Costa County, CA Official Website
The Weatherization Program is a Federal and State-funded program whose purpose is to assist low and/or fixed income people in making their homes more energy-efficient. The program is available regardless of whether you own or rent, live in a house, apartment, or a mobile home.
Weatherization | Contra Costa County, CA Official Website
Homeownership - Operation HOPE
Homeownership - Operation HOPE
Operation HOPE's homeownership program gives you the knowledge, skills and resources to overcome challenges first-time buyers face.
Homeownership - Operation HOPE
Money Management International
Money Management International
We help consumers create, restore, and maintain a life of financial wellness through empowered choices. Our nonprofit programs are designed to educate, motivate, and liberate. Debt issues? Foreclosure concerns? Overwhelming student loans? We offer confidential, empathetic solutions.
Money Management International
Housing Counseling | Habitat for Humanity EBSV
Housing Counseling | Habitat for Humanity EBSV
Through Habitat East Bay/Silicon Valley’s free housing and financial counseling services, we work with families to help them accomplish their financial goals.
Housing Counseling | Habitat for Humanity EBSV
BALANCE Financial Fitness Program
Find An Inspector
Find An Inspector
Search ASHI's directory of inspector members to find a professional home inspectors.
Find An Inspector | Veterans Affairs | Veterans Affairs
Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more. | Veterans Affairs
Mortgage Calculator | Bankrate
Mortgage Calculator | Bankrate
Use our free mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payments. Account for interest rates and break down payments in an easy to use amortization schedule.
Mortgage Calculator | Bankrate
Mortgage Calculator - Free House Payment Estimate | Zillow
Mortgage Calculator - Free House Payment Estimate | Zillow
Use our simple mortgage calculator to quickly estimate monthly payments for your new home. This free mortgage tool includes principal and interest, plus estimated taxes, insurance, PMI and current mortgage rates.
Mortgage Calculator - Free House Payment Estimate | Zillow
FHA Loan Refinance and Home Purchase Loans at
FHA Loan Refinance and Home Purchase Loans at
Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or want to refinance your existing mortgage, the FHA loan program will let you finance a home with a low down payment and flexible guidelines.
FHA Loan Refinance and Home Purchase Loans at
Down Payment Assistance | Down Payment Resource
Down Payment Assistance | Down Payment Resource
Get the help you need to buy your new home -- From down payment assistance and calculators, understanding mortgages, and housing programs. Achieve your home buying goals.
Down Payment Assistance | Down Payment Resource
14 Tips for First-Time Home Buyers - NerdWallet
14 Tips for First-Time Home Buyers - NerdWallet
These first-time home buyer tips will help you navigate the homebuying process, including saving for a house, choosing a mortgage and closing the purchase.
14 Tips for First-Time Home Buyers - NerdWallet
Visit Craig Kadden, your local Bank of the WestMortgage Banker at 2581 Fair Oaks Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95825 for expertise in mortgage solutions
Visit Barry Pectol, your local Bank of the WestMortgage Banker at 3300 Jefferson Street Napa, CA 94558 for expertise in mortgage solutions
Visit Yona Wishart, your local Bank of the WestMortgage Banker at 1969 Diamond Boulevard Concord, CA 94520 for expertise in mortgage solutions