
Plants don’t have ears. But they can still detect sound
Sometimes they produce it, too
The Story Of Florida's "Nub City," Where Residents Cut Off Their Own Appendages For Insurance Money
It was near impossible to convict scammers of fraud because jurors had a hard time believing that people would willingly engage in self-mutilation.
Every Type of Plastic Used By LEGO - BrickNerd - All things LEGO and the LEGO fan community
While ABS may be the most well-known plastic used by LEGO, they actually use a wide variety of plastics. Here’s an example of all the kinds of plastic used by LEGO provided by BrickNerd guest contributor Ryan Howerter.
Forming an Edge
TW Lim on the unfinished nature of kitchen knives
Nomenclature of Vertebral Laminae in Lizards, with Comments on Ontogenetic and Serial Variation in Lacertini (Squamata, Lacertidae)
Vertebral laminae are bony ridges or sheets that connect important morphological landmarks on the vertebrae, like diapophyses or zygapophyses. They usually exhibit some serial variation throughout the column. A consistent terminology facilitates the morphological ...
Titanium spikes kill superbugs drug-free by literally ripping them apart
Inspired by the bacteria-killing structures seen on the wings of some insects, researchers have developed a drug-free way to kill off drug-resistant microbes that commonly cause hospital-acquired infections. Their technique is a novel and effective way of tackling the problem of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
Bali rice experiment cuts greenhouse gas emissions and increases yields
“After we finished ploughing, we would bathe the cows and then relax in the field playing flutes,” said Jero Dodo, who has farmed the rice terraces of Tabanan, Bali, since he was 12 years old. While he speaks fondly of the past, the farmer has one foot in the future. Dodo, who spoke to Mongabay […]
Why your website should use dithered images
The average web page has nearly 1MB of images. That's a lot of data. More bytes on average than html...
Photos, Satellite Images: Beavers Invade Alaska's Tundra Like Wildfire
Beavers love the warming Arctic, so they're re-landscaping it. Their dams change Alaska's lakes and rivers so much you can see it from space.
How many types of garden hoes are there? | Surprising answer!
Are there really just a few basic types? We describe what they are, what they do, and how to tweak them for the best performance.
Researchers Become “Beaver Believers” After Measuring the Impacts of Rewilding | NASA Applied Sciences
Ecologists and ranchers alike know that rivers and streams with healthy beaver populations support more biodiversity, are more drought resilient, and keep wa
Venus Flytraps Are Even Creepier Than We Thought - The Atlantic
When it comes to digesting its prey, the plant is a calculating killer.
Is slowness the essence of knowledge? | BPS
If We Want a Shift to Walking, We Need To Prioritize Dignity
Why does walking feel so intuitive when we’re in a city built before cars, yet as soon as we return home, walking feels like an unpleasant chore that immediately drives us into a car?
Archaic Roots- Indigenous Instrument Maker – The Unique...
Offering one of a kind experiences with our unique workshops, retreats, and personal instrument building immersions.
Popularized in England, These Wavy Walls Actually Use Fewer Bricks Than a Straight Wall » TwistedSifter
Lawnmowers detest them
Save The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
Information about the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus and what you can do to save it.
Drop the Bass: Evidence for a Gravitational Wave Background from a Galaxy-sized Detector | astrobites
In eight new papers, the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational waves (NANOGrav) presents evidence for a gravitational wave background. In this bite, we provide an overview of their results and their implications
WW2 Meteorology – RAF Meteorology Man
With the Outbreak of the WW2, Ships in the North Atlantic could no longer Report their Positions & Weather and the Atlantic became what is known in the Jargon as a “Data Sparse Area”…
Psychiatry in Aeromedicine: Who Is Denied the Privilege of Piloting an Aircraft?
Urging aviation students at the summit to seek help if they need it is noble, but sounds hollow when the FAA regulations are built on stigma.
Your Blue Eyes Aren’t Really Blue
Brown and hazel eyes get their color from melanin, the same pigment that colors your skin. But blue eyes don’t have any blue pigment in them.
Scar Tissues Make Relationships Wear Out
"Scar Tissues Make Relationships Wear Out"
04/26/2103. From a lecture by Professor John Ousterhout at Stanford, class CS142.
This is my most touchy-feely thought for the weekend. Here’s the basic idea:
Terrible real estate agent photographs
Inexplicably bad property photographs. It's that simple.
Honda Monkey Breaks World Record Covering 4,183 Km On Single Tank - ADV Pulse
Acerbis is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a unique achievement. The manufacturer has snatched its first Guinness World Record Record for the greatest distance ridden on a single tank of fuel by a gas-powered motorcycle. The total distance covered? An impressive 4,183.8 kilometers (2,599.7 miles) without refueling. To achieve this feat, the technical team at […]
On will to action
Writing is easy, just open your editor and bleed
A Statistical Analysis of the Work of Bob Ross
Bob Ross was a consummate teacher. He guided fans along as he painted “happy trees,” “almighty mountains” and “fluffy clouds” over the course of his 11-year tel…
Learning all VSCode shortcuts evolved my developing habits
During the past weeks, I learned every single one of VSCode's keyboard shortcuts. This post describes how it helped me picking up new developer habits.
Researchers treat depression by reversing brain signals traveling the wrong way
A new study led by Stanford Medicine researchers is the first to reveal how magnetic stimulation treats severe depression: by correcting the abnormal flow of brain signals.