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Bali rice experiment cuts greenhouse gas emissions and increases yields
Bali rice experiment cuts greenhouse gas emissions and increases yields
“After we finished ploughing, we would bathe the cows and then relax in the field playing flutes,” said Jero Dodo, who has farmed the rice terraces of Tabanan, Bali, since he was 12 years old. While he speaks fondly of the past, the farmer has one foot in the future. Dodo, who spoke to Mongabay […]
Bali rice experiment cuts greenhouse gas emissions and increases yields
How to Build Anything Extremely Quickly - Learn How To Learn
How to Build Anything Extremely Quickly - Learn How To Learn
Do "outline speedrunning": Recursively outline an MVP, speedrun filling it in, and only then go back and perfect. This is a ~10x speed up over the 'loading-bar' style (more on that below) Don't just read this article and move on. Go out and do this for the very next thing you make so y
How to Build Anything Extremely Quickly - Learn How To Learn
What I think about when I edit — Eva Parish
What I think about when I edit — Eva Parish
I’m often asked to edit friends’ or coworkers’ writing, anything from emails to short stories to documentation. Recently, someone asked me how I edit. What am I looking for? How do I know what changes to make? That made me stop and think about what I’ve been doing semi-instinctually.
What I think about when I edit — Eva Parish
Why Is Chile So Long? - by Tomas Pueyo
Why Is Chile So Long? - by Tomas Pueyo
Chile is so long, it's curved. How long is it? Why not longer? Why is no other country as thin? How does that make Chileans incomprehensible?
Why Is Chile So Long? - by Tomas Pueyo
Peeking Underground With Giant Flying Antennas | Hackaday
Peeking Underground With Giant Flying Antennas | Hackaday
Helicopters are perhaps at their coolest when they’re being used as flying cranes — from a long dangling cable, they can carry everything from cars, to crates, to giant hanging saws. Wh…
Peeking Underground With Giant Flying Antennas | Hackaday
Obituary for a Quiet Life — THE BITTER SOUTHERNER
Obituary for a Quiet Life — THE BITTER SOUTHERNER
A man passes away without a word in the mountains of North Carolina, and his grandson sets out to write about the importance of a seemingly unimportant life.
Obituary for a Quiet Life — THE BITTER SOUTHERNER
How a minimum viable experience produces a resilient, inclusive end-product - Andy Bell
How a minimum viable experience produces a resilient, inclusive end-product - Andy Bell
The whole idea of progressive enhancement is using the power that the web platform gives us for free — specifically, HTML, CSS and JavaScript — to provide a baseline experience for the people who visit our sites and/or apps, and then build on that where appropriate and necessary, depending on the capabilities of the technology that they […]
How a minimum viable experience produces a resilient, inclusive end-product - Andy Bell