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Perplexity - We're excited to introduce AI Search in #Education — a seven day course designed for #teachers that explores AI-basics, the various AI offerings for educators,…
Perplexity - We're excited to introduce AI Search in #Education — a seven day course designed for #teachers that explores AI-basics, the various AI offerings for educators,…
We're excited to introduce AI Search in #Education — a seven day course designed for #teachers that explores AI-basics, the various AI offerings for educators,… | 11 comments on LinkedIn
Perplexity - We're excited to introduce AI Search in #Education — a seven day course designed for #teachers that explores AI-basics, the various AI offerings for educators,…
GitHub - microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners: 12 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗
GitHub - microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners: 12 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗
12 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 - GitHub - microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners: 12 Lessons, Get Started Building wi...
GitHub - microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners: 12 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗
Societech: Society in the Context of Information Technology
Societech: Society in the Context of Information Technology
This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) focuses on the social impact of information technologies on society. The course content was generated by AI applications. This applies to the images as well as the texts and videos that you will find in the course. We also had the self-assessments and badges generated by an AI application.With this course, we would like to use a practical example to show what AI systems are currently capable of (as of April 2023), but also where there are still difficulties. You can get an impression for yourself, discover errors or be amazed at how good the applications already are. The course is designed to invite you to critically question AI-generated content and to reflect on the areas in which it can be used in a sensible or supportive way and where it cannot.Additionally, in each lesson we document exactly how the content was generated, the software and the prompts used. Only in the very first lesson we give a man-made ;) introduction to the topic and a reflection.
Societech: Society in the Context of Information Technology
ChatGPT: Was bedeutet generative KI für unsere Gesellschaft?
ChatGPT: Was bedeutet generative KI für unsere Gesellschaft?
Die rasante Entwicklung generativer KI-Systeme wie ChatGPT, DALLE und Midjourney revolutioniert unsere Welt und stellt uns vor neue, faszinierende und zugleich beunruhigende Herausforderungen. Was bedeutet es, wenn künstliche Intelligenzen komplexe Prüfungen bestehen oder sogar kreativ tätig werden? Wird diese Entwicklung unsere Gesellschaft, Arbeitswelt und Kommunikation überrumpeln? Werden Jobs ersetzt oder entstehen völlig neue Beschäftigungsfelder? Und wie können wir die Gefahren durch die Nutzung dieser Systeme zur Verbreitung von z.B. Falschinformationen minimieren? Entdecken Sie in diesem vierwöchigen, kostenlosen openHPI-Kurs, wie bahnbrechende Technologien wie ChatGPT funktionieren, welche Anwendungsfälle daraus entstehen, welche Chancen und Grenzen sie bergen. Der Kurs bietet Jugendlichen und Interessierten ohne technisches Hintergrundwissen oder Programmiererfahrung eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, in die Welt der Generativen Künstlichen Intelligenz einzutauchen. Geleitet wird der Kurs in Kooperation mit dem [KI-Servicezentrum Berlin-Brandenburg (KISZ-BB)][2] von den HPI-Alumni [Johannes Hötter][3] und [Christian Warmuth][4]. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
ChatGPT: Was bedeutet generative KI für unsere Gesellschaft?