With the US having one of the highest costs of healthcare in the world it comes as little surprise that most Americans...
With the US having one of the highest costs of healthcare in the world, it comes as little surprise that most Americans... https://www.facebook.com/straffiandstraffi/posts/pfbid02e4vPJTB2hCrNHAdDTgD5i1S9AD2g6qEffXRVnr3D8kdiTV47vNAQBdiDFCkYhzXTl
Son and mother charged with illegal distribution of marijuana and THC-related products
Son and mother charged with illegal distribution of marijuana and THC-related products https://starnewsgroup.com/2023/10/02/son-and-mother-charged-with-illegal-distribution-of-marijuana-and-thc-related-products/
NJ first responders to battle at Jon Bon Jovi Soul Kitchen Chili Cook-Off in Toms River
NJ first responders to battle at Jon Bon Jovi Soul Kitchen Chili Cook-Off in Toms River https://www.app.com/story/entertainment/music/2023/10/02/bon-jovi-soul-kitchen-chili-cook-off-2023-toms-river/71033634007/
CBD Store Owner Mom Charged In Illegal Marijuana Distribution In Ocean County
CBD Store Owner, Mom Charged In Illegal Marijuana Distribution In Ocean County https://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/toms-river-cbd-store-owner-charged-illegal-marijuana-distribution
DRUG BUST: 1500 Pounds Of THC 607K Seized From Toms River Mom-Son Duo Prosecutor Says
DRUG BUST: 1,500 Pounds Of THC, 607K Seized From Toms River Mom-Son Duo, Prosecutor Says https://dailyvoice.com/new-jersey/ocean/drug-bust-1500-pounds-of-thc-607k-seized-from-toms-river-mom-son-duo-prosecutor-says/
2023 Flu Vaccine Clinics Offered By Ocean County Health Department
2023 Flu Vaccine Clinics Offered By Ocean County Health Department https://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/2023-flu-vaccine-clinics-offered-ocean-county-health-department
Mother And Son Charged For Running Illegal Marijuana Business
Mother And Son Charged For Running Illegal Marijuana Business https://www.jerseyshoreonline.com/toms-river/mother-and-son-charged-for-running-illegal-marijuana-business/
TOMS RIVER MAN CHARGED WITH NARCOTICS DISTRIBUTION AND FINANCIAL FACILITATION https://ocponj.gov/toms-river-man-charged-with-narcotics-distribution-and-financial-facilitation/
@StraffiStraffi: Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal process designed to help individuals who are struggling with overwhelming debt by providing them with a structured repayment plan.
@StraffiStraffi: Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal process designed to help individuals who are struggling with overwhelming debt by providing them with a structured repayment plan. https://twitter.com/StraffiStraffi/status/1708845091312603445
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal process designed to help individuals who are struggling with overwhelming debt by provi...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal process designed to help individuals who are struggling with overwhelming debt by provi... https://www.facebook.com/straffiandstraffi/posts/883065670099403
Bug bites and lonely nights: How 17 people live hidden deep in the Toms River woods
Bug bites and lonely nights: How 17 people live hidden deep in the Toms River woods https://www.app.com/story/news/local/how-we-live/2023/10/02/how-homeless-community-grew-deep-in-the-toms-river-woods/70964297007/
New Childrens Specialized Hospital Officially Opens In Ocean County
New Children’s Specialized Hospital Officially Opens In Ocean County https://www.jerseyshoreonline.com/toms-river/new-childrens-specialized-hospital-officially-opens-in-ocean-county/
See all homes sold in Ocean County Sept. 25 to Oct. 1
See all homes sold in Ocean County, Sept. 25 to Oct. 1 https://www.nj.com/realestate-news/2023/10/see-all-homes-sold-in-ocean-county-sept-25-to-oct-1.html
Top 15 Most Read Stories At New Jersey Stage From September 24-30 2023
Top 15 Most Read Stories At New Jersey Stage From September 24-30, 2023 https://www.newjerseystage.com/articles/getarticle2.php?titlelink=top-15-most-read-stories-at-new-jersey-stage-from-september-24-30-2023102023
St. Joseph football rolls past Donovan Catholic to set up battle for No. 1
St. Joseph football rolls past Donovan Catholic to set up battle for No. 1 https://www.northjersey.com/story/sports/high-school/football/2023/09/30/st-joseph-football-rolls-past-donovan-catholic-behind-strong-offense/70990334007/
More Jersey Shore hospitals bring back COVID mask mandates; rules vary for different roles
More Jersey Shore hospitals bring back COVID mask mandates; rules vary for different roles https://www.app.com/story/news/health/2023/09/30/monmouth-ocean-county-hospitals-bring-back-covid-mask-mandates/71005647007/
Holmdel Public School District Updates on Fall Student Achievement Repeals Controversial Strauss Esmay Policy
Holmdel Public School District Updates on Fall Student Achievement, Repeals Controversial Strauss Esmay Policy https://www.tapinto.net/towns/holmdel-and-colts-neck/sections/education/articles/holmdel-public-school-district-updates-on-fall-student-achievement-repeals-controversial-strauss-esmay-policy
Holmdel Public School District Updates on Fall Student Achievement Repeals Controversial Strauss Esmay Policy
Holmdel Public School District Updates on Fall Student Achievement, Repeals Controversial Strauss Esmay Policy https://www.tapinto.net/towns/holmdel-and-colts-neck/categories/news/articles/holmdel-public-school-district-updates-on-fall-student-achievement-repeals-controversial-strauss-esmay-policy
Andy Kim shows momentum in first week as U.S. Senate candidate
Andy Kim shows momentum in first week as U.S. Senate candidate https://newjerseyglobe.com/congress/andy-kim-shows-momentum-in-first-week-as-u-s-senate-candidate/
Drenched again! Early rainfall totals show a months worth of rain has fallen in N.J.
Drenched again! Early rainfall totals show a month’s worth of rain has fallen in N.J. https://www.nj.com/weather/2023/09/nj-weather-drenched-again-early-rainfall-totals-show-a-months-worth-of-rain-has-fallen-in-several-hours.html
See How Veterans Services Might Be Affected By Government Shutdown
See How Veterans Services Might Be Affected By Government Shutdown https://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/see-how-veterans-services-might-be-affected-government-shutdown