EMT-Owned 'Ice Cream Emergency' Brings Sweets To Jersey Shore
EMT-Owned 'Ice Cream Emergency' Brings Sweets To Jersey Shore https://patch.com/new-jersey/barnegat-manahawkin/emt-owned-ice-cream-emergency-brings-sweets-jersey-shore
JCP&L nearing completion of electric service reliability project in Toms River
JCP&L nearing completion of electric service reliability project in Toms River https://www.roi-nj.com/2023/08/22/industry/energy-utilities/jcpl-nearing-completion-of-electric-service-reliability-project-in-toms-river/
GOP legislators want a special session on parental rights proposal
GOP legislators want a special session on parental rights proposal https://newjerseyglobe.com/legislature/gop-legislators-want-a-special-session-on-parental-rights-proposal/
Toms River NJ police chief defends cops' actions after video of encounter goes viral
Toms River, NJ police chief defends cops' actions after video of encounter goes viral https://nj1015.com/toms-river-nj-police-chief-defends-cops-actions-after-video-of-encounter-goes-viral/
A woman sent nude selfies to her boyfriend. Now she's successfully sued her former high school math teacher for posting them to a revenge porn site.
A woman sent nude selfies to her boyfriend. Now she's successfully sued her former high school math teacher for posting them to a revenge porn site. https://www.insider.com/woman-won-lawsuit-former-high-school-math-teacher-revenge-porn-2023-8
Point Pleasant Announces Fall 2023 Leaf Pickup Schedule
Point Pleasant Announces Fall 2023 Leaf Pickup Schedule https://patch.com/new-jersey/pointpleasant/point-pleasant-announces-fall-2023-leaf-pickup-schedule
Power outage hits thousands of homes businesses in Ocean County
Power outage hits thousands of homes, businesses in Ocean County https://www.nj.com/ocean/2023/08/power-outage-hits-thousands-of-homes-businesses-in-ocean-county.html
Why Jersey Shore is gaining more jobs than neighbors.
Why Jersey Shore is gaining more jobs than neighbors. https://www.app.com/story/money/business/2023/08/21/nj-monmouth-ocean-and-middlesex-counties-enjoy-post-covid-job-growth/70558273007/
Exciting and Delicious The Bandwagon Diner Re-Opens in Toms River
Exciting and Delicious The Bandwagon Diner Re-Opens in Toms River https://wobm.com/exciting-and-delicious-the-bandwagon-diner-re-opens-in-toms-river-nj/
Top 15 Most Read Stories At New Jersey Stage From August 13-19 2023
Top 15 Most Read Stories At New Jersey Stage From August 13-19, 2023 https://www.newjerseystage.com/articles/getarticle2.php?titlelink=top-15-most-read-stories-at-new-jersey-stage-from-august-13-19-2023082023
Glen Kelly Real Estate Specializing in Target Marketing Advertising Buying Selling Homes in Ocean and Monmouth county NJ
Glen Kelly Real Estate Specializing in Target Marketing Advertising Buying Selling Homes in Ocean and Monmouth county NJ https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/650760597/glen-kelly-real-estate-specializing-in-target-marketing-advertising-buying-selling-homes-in-ocean-and-monmouth-county-nj
JCP&L Nearing Completion of Electric Service Reliability Project in Toms River
JCP&L Nearing Completion of Electric Service Reliability Project in Toms River https://www.tapinto.net/towns/hamilton-slash-robbinsville/columns/jcp-and-l-in-the-community/articles/jcp-l-nearing-completion-of-electric-service-reliability-project-in-toms-river
Its Likely Were On Our Way to Court: State May Have Short-Changed Ciba-Geigy Settlement by Billions
‘It’s Likely We’re On Our Way to Court:’ State May Have Short-Changed Ciba-Geigy Settlement by Billions https://lavallette-seaside.shorebeat.com/2023/08/its-likely-were-on-our-way-to-court-state-may-have-short-changed-ciba-geigy-settlement-by-billions/
'Reasonable' or 'woefully inadequate'? What comes next for Toms River after BASF deal
'Reasonable' or 'woefully inadequate'? What comes next for Toms River after BASF deal https://www.app.com/story/news/local/redevelopment/2023/08/17/nj-approves-toms-river-basf-cleanup-settlement-now-what/70607169007/