36 Crashes Fire Power Outages In Toms River Over Chaotic Weekend
36 Crashes, Fire, Power Outages In Toms River Over Chaotic Weekend https://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/36-crashes-fire-power-outages-toms-river-over-chaotic-weekend
Former Ocean County College president to remain on as $150K part-time consultant
Former Ocean County College president to remain on as $150K, part-time consultant https://www.app.com/story/news/local/ocean-county/2023/07/20/former-occ-president-to-remain-on-as-150k-part-time-consultant/70399362007/
NJ.com Pizza Trail stop 7: Turning the pizza world upside down
NJ.com Pizza Trail, stop 7: Turning the pizza world upside down https://www.nj.com/food/2023/07/njcom-pizza-trail-stop-7-turning-the-pizza-world-upside-down.html
Funnel Cloud Spotted Over Jersey Shore During Tuesday Storm
Funnel Cloud Spotted Over Jersey Shore During Tuesday Storm https://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/funnel-cloud-spotted-over-jersey-shore-during-tuesday-storm
Thunderstorm warning issued for the Jersey Shore tonight
Thunderstorm warning issued for the Jersey Shore tonight https://www.shorenewsnetwork.com/2023/07/15/thunderstorm-warning-issued-for-the-jersey-shore-tonight/
Funnel cloud spotted in sky over Jersey Shore during strong thunderstorm
Funnel cloud spotted in sky over Jersey Shore during strong thunderstorm https://www.nj.com/weather/2023/07/nj-weather-funnel-cloud-spotted-in-sky-over-jersey-shore-during-strong-thunderstorm.html
This Week in Theatre: Previews for Plays Taking Place July 18-24 2023
This Week in Theatre: Previews for Plays Taking Place July 18-24, 2023 https://www.newjerseystage.com/articles/getarticle2.php?titlelink=this-week-in-theatre-previews-for-plays-taking-place-july-18-24-2023072023
Intense showers and thunderstorms have caused heavy rainfall in New Jersey leading to a landslide a buckled highway and flooding in several towns.
– Intense showers and thunderstorms have caused heavy rainfall in New Jersey, leading to a landslide, a buckled highway, and flooding in several towns.– https://www.bollyinside.com/news/weather/weekend-storms-cause-record-breaking-rainfall-in-these-towns/
Apartment House Fire Displaces Nearly 40 People In Toms River
Apartment House Fire Displaces Nearly 40 People In Toms River https://dailyvoice.com/new-jersey/ocean/apartment-house-fire-displaces-nearly-40-people-in-toms-river/
These N.J. towns got hit with highest rainfall totals during weekend storms
These N.J. towns got hit with highest rainfall totals during weekend storms https://www.nj.com/weather/2023/07/nj-weather-these-towns-got-hit-with-highest-rainfall-totals-during-weekend-storms.html
New restaurants at the Jersey Shore offer pancakes pizza wraps and more
New restaurants at the Jersey Shore offer pancakes, pizza, wraps and more https://www.app.com/story/entertainment/dining/2023/07/17/nj-restaurants-breakfast-italian-spots-coffee-shops-vegan-eats-open-shore/70379125007/
More than 20 families displaced after devastating fire at N.J. apartment complex
More than 20 families displaced after devastating fire at N.J. apartment complex https://www.nj.com/news/2023/07/more-than-20-families-displaced-after-devastating-fire-at-nj-apartment-complex.html
25 People Displaced As Fire Ravages Townhouses In Toms River
25 People Displaced As Fire Ravages Townhouses In Toms River https://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/25-people-displaced-fire-ravages-townhouses-toms-river
Top 15 Most Read Stories At New Jersey Stage From July 9-15 2023
Top 15 Most Read Stories At New Jersey Stage From July 9-15, 2023 https://www.newjerseystage.com/articles/getarticle2.php?titlelink=top-15-most-read-stories-at-new-jersey-stage-from-july-9-15-2023072023
Sun sand taxes: Every Jersey Shore towns property tax bill for homeowners
Sun, sand, taxes: Every Jersey Shore town’s property tax bill for homeowners https://www.nj.com/politics/2023/07/sun-sand-taxes-every-jersey-shore-towns-property-tax-bill-for-homeowners.html