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Mariana Mazzucato: Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator
Mariana Mazzucato: Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator
Why doesn't the government just get out of the way and let the private sector -- the "real revolutionaries" -- innovate? It's rhetoric you hear everywhere, and Mariana Mazzucato wants to dispel it. In an energetic talk, she shows how the state -- which many see as a slow, hunkering behemoth -- is really one of our most exciting risk-takers and market-shapers.
Mariana Mazzucato: Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator
Black Love and a Wise Man: on shelves and screens this month • Journal
Black Love and a Wise Man: on shelves and screens this month • Journal
In our latest edition of Shelf Life, we celebrate three long-buried films from Black directors finally seeing the light of day in gorgeous restorations, a Frederick Wiseman smorgasbord crossing the…
Black Love and a Wise Man: on shelves and screens this month • Journal
Parents | Readwise
Parents | Readwise
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Parents | Readwise
The Models of Pickpocket - Pickpocket (1959)
The Models of Pickpocket - Pickpocket (1959)
The Models of “Pickpocket,” a 2003 documentary by Babette Mangolte that features interviews with actors from the film #criterion #pickpocket #robertbresson #babettemangolte #documentary #featurettes
The Models of Pickpocket - Pickpocket (1959)
Sunday, July 31st - a short film by Meysam Motazedi
Sunday, July 31st - a short film by Meysam Motazedi
Watch Sunday, July 31st by Meysam Motazedi - a short film about a father-son relationship and how it reaches its boiling point at a local swimming pool.
Sunday, July 31st - a short film by Meysam Motazedi
‘From Ground Zero’ Review: An Inside View of Gaza
‘From Ground Zero’ Review: An Inside View of Gaza
This collection of 22 shorts by Palestinian filmmakers presents on-the-ground accounts of life and death that might otherwise be ignored.
‘From Ground Zero’ Review: An Inside View of Gaza
UNION - Video On Demand - Gathr
UNION - Video On Demand - Gathr
Up against one of the most powerful companies on the planet, a group of Amazon workers embark on an unprecedented campaign to unionize their warehouse in Staten Island, New York. Through intimate cinema vérité, UNION chronicles the extraordinary efforts of an unlikely group of warehouse workers as they launch a grassroots union campaign at an Amazon fulfillment center in Staten Island, New York. Led by the charismatic but underestimated Chris Smalls, the diverse band of workers start the Amazon Labor Union (ALU) and embark on a journey against one of the largest and most powerful companies in the world. The odds are stacked against them, as the group finds itself up against a tech industry giant with unlimited resources, without major support from national unions or politicians, and while navigating internal divisions within their own ranks. Filmmakers Brett Story and Stephen Maing document the struggle from day one, offering a gripping human drama about the fight for power and dignity in today
UNION - Video On Demand - Gathr
Yeah The Boys - a short film by Stefan Hunt
Yeah The Boys - a short film by Stefan Hunt
Watch Yeah The Boys by Stefan Hunt - a dance short about masculinity and the drinking culture in Australia - on Short of the Week.
Yeah The Boys - a short film by Stefan Hunt
When I'm Sixty-Four
When I'm Sixty-Four
When widowed cabbie Ray and retired teacher Jim meet by chance, they discover they long for the same things from life: adventure, challenge and love. Together Ray and Jim discover that being 64 means a new beginning: it's time to try the things they never dared in their youth.
When widowed cabbie Ray and retired teacher Jim meet by chance, they discover they long for the same things from life: adventure, challenge and love. Together Ray and Jim discover that being 64 means a new beginning: it's time to try the things they never dared in their youth.
When I'm Sixty-Four
Five Horror Movies to Stream Now
Five Horror Movies to Stream Now
This month’s picks include Swedish evildoers, South Korean warrior-ghosts and a devil stalking the American frontier.
Five Horror Movies to Stream Now
lil d v Ajnasty humililation
lil d v Ajnasty humililation
Lil d has been waiting for his chance to get Ajnasty back for his total beat down when they last met…
lil d v Ajnasty humililation
The 50 Best TV Shows on Netflix Right Now
The 50 Best TV Shows on Netflix Right Now
New shows come to the streaming giant all the time — too many to ever watch them all. We’re here to help.
The 50 Best TV Shows on Netflix Right Now
Salad Fingers First 10 episodes.
Salad Fingers First 10 episodes.
SALAD FINGERS PLUSH TOYS ON SALE NOW!!!! is the first 10 episodes. There are 13 nowCheck the updated video
Salad Fingers First 10 episodes.
Five International Movies to Stream Now
Five International Movies to Stream Now
This month’s selections include a Japanese serial-killer thriller, a Pride Month pick from Sri Lanka, a Malaysian drama about undocumented street hustlers and more.
If From Every Tongue It Drips
Five International Movies to Stream Now