10 Questions for Musician Michael League
Michael League is the Grammy Award-winning bassist, composer, producer and bandleader with NYC-based jazz-funk-fusion band Snarky Puppy. Formed in Denton, Texas, in 2004, Snarky Puppy is comprised of a collective of over 30 musicians. In addition to touring and recording, the band is committed to music education, holding over 100 clinics, workshops, and masterclasses in the US, Canada, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.
Herbie Hancock: Der Dekaden Zauberer | KEYBOARDS
Alle zehn Jahre überrascht uns der Tastenmagier Herbie Hancock, dem zwischen Klassik, Jazz und Pop nichts fremd ist, mit unerwarteten und stets kontroversen Produktionen, die ihm auf Grund der stilistischen Vielfalt eine große Fan-Gemeinde weltweit garantieren. Hancocks „Saitensprünge“ Jeder sucht sich die Rosinen aus seinem kreativen Kuchen, und nicht selten gibt es Verrisse und Medienschelte,...
Wolfgang Stach Ueber Musikproduktion Als Balanceakt / Wolfgang Stach On Music Production As A Balancing Act
DEUTSCH Musikproduktionen sind ein Balanceakt zwischen Kunde, Künstler und Kreativität, sagt Wolfgang Stach. In seinem Vortrag wird Wolfgang Stach Erfahrungsberichte…
Andrew Scheps über Recording-Neuheiten | SOUND & RECORDING
Als Engineer und Mixer hat Andrew Scheps für Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Adele, Weezer, Black Sabbath, Audioslave, Linkin Park, Green Day, U2, Johnny Cash, Michael Jackson, Neil Diamond, Iggy Pop und viele andere Künstler gearbeitet. Andrew Scheps arbeitet in seinem eigenen Studio in Los Angeles, dem Punkerpad West, das bis zum Bersten mit einer...
Secrets Of The Mix Engineers: Manny Marroquin
Eleven mix engineers tried their hand at Kanye West's 'Stronger' before Manny Marroquin finally turned it into a record. He was rewarded with one of the biggest hits of 2007.
Bob Clearmountain Interview
It's one of our biggest ever studio engineer interviews . We speak to Bob Clearmountain about mixing some of the most iconic artists of our time…
Practising the Piano Great Pianists Interviewed - Practising the Piano
One of my favourite books of interviews is Great Pianists Speak with Adele Marcus. It is full of insight into the pianist’s art, and Ms. Marcus’ questions are always very astute. Along with Pianists at Play by Dean Elder, I turn to Abram Chasins’ Speaking of Pianists for inspiration. How wonderful to find these clips on YouTube, conversations and interviews with famous pianists as well as some interesting documentaries. I hope you enjoy them! Vladimir Horowitz Artur Rubinstein Daniel Barenboim Evgeny Kissin Sviatoslav Richter Maria Yudina The Art of the Piano Greats of the Twentieth Century Imagine Being a Concert Pianist Do or Die: Lang Lang’s Story Resources Great Pianists Speak with Adele Marcus (click here) Pianists at Play by Dean Elder (click here) Speaking of Pianists by Abram Chasins (click here)
Tourgespräche Podcast: Interviews mit Stars hinter den Stars
Höre Gespräche mit Instrumentalisten, Backlinern oder Tontechnikern nationaler Top-Bands. Wir sprechen nicht mit den Stars, sondern den Menschen dahinter!
Trent Reznor, Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman and more Composers for THR's Roundtable | Oscars 2015
Marco Beltrami (The Homesman), Danny Elfman (Big Eyes), John Powell (How To Train Your Dragon 2), Trent Reznor (Gone Girl) and Hans Zimmer (Interstellar) joi...
David Pink awhole new mind
Lineair vs Lateral thinking -Left vs right brain. Lawyers, Accountants, Computer programmers.That's what our parents encouraged us to become when we grew up. But Mom and Dad were wrong. The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind. The era of "left brain" dominance, and the Information Age that it engendered, are giving way to a new world in which "right brain" qualities-inventiveness, empathy, meaning-predominate. That's the argument at the center of this provocative and original book,...
Musikinterview mit Reinhold Heil | KEYBOARDS
Reinhold Heil gehört sicherlich zu den profiliertesten Keyboardern und Produzenten der deutschen Musikszene. Unvergessen sind seine Erfolge mit der Nina-Hagen-Band und Spliff. Dazu produzierte der gelernte Tonmeister die ersten drei Nena-Alben sowie drei Alben für Cosa Rosa, arbeitete mit den Rainbirds und Anette Humpe. 1983 schrieb er seine erste Filmmusik für den Tatort „Zweierlei Blut“....
Oscar Peterson Interview with Andre Previn Part 4
great Oscar Peterson Interview with Andre Previn where they discuss many things including art tatum. Also Oscar plays some tracks
Song Exploder
A podcast where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, tell the story of how they were made.
Down the Rhodes Webisode: Herbie Hancock - YouTube
The following is a webisode featuring bonus material from Down the Rhodes: The Fender Rhodes Story. Please visit www.FenderRhodesStory.com to order a copy of this historic documentary, brought to life through stories and performances from a remarkable cast of music notables. With an insider's look, we see how a war era rehabilitation tool developed into a major proponent of the electronic instrument movement, and became the most revolutionary electric piano of our time.

George Duke (Short Documentary) - Fender Rhodes Story - YouTube
Short documentary with George Duke sharing how he first started playing the Fender Rhodes Electric Piano.

Ben Burtt - Sound Designer of Star Wars