Career Advice

Career Advice

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Design Engineering at Vercel: What we do and how we do it
Design Engineering at Vercel: What we do and how we do it
Design Engineers at Vercel blend aesthetic sensibility with technical skills. Learn about Vercel's philosophy on what Design Engineering is and how we work.
Design Engineering at Vercel: What we do and how we do it
Should designers code?
Should designers code?
Ah yes, this old chestnut. It pops up as reliably as daffodils in early spring. My perspective has changed very little over the years.
Should designers code?
The death of craft
The death of craft
Thriving in an era of scarcity.
The death of craft
The Design Mindset
The Design Mindset
What does it mean to be a designer?
The Design Mindset
Design is politics
Design is politics
Whether we want to admit it or not, a large part of design work is convincing other people it’s actually good, and the right thing to do in the context of a project.
Design is politics
Why I Quit UX For Visual Design
Why I Quit UX For Visual Design
About 3 years ago around late 2020, I came across a few reels of designers working on their desks.
Why I Quit UX For Visual Design
My Handy Guide to UX Take-home Design Challenge
My Handy Guide to UX Take-home Design Challenge
Since October 2023, as a senior product designer seeking new roles, I’ve interviewed with about 20 companies, encountering numerous…
My Handy Guide to UX Take-home Design Challenge
How my dream design job turned into a nightmare
How my dream design job turned into a nightmare
There I was, sitting in the dark, behind the messy desk in my unfinished home office, head in my hands. The only light in the room was coming from the scree ...
How my dream design job turned into a nightmare
90% of designers are unhirable?
90% of designers are unhirable?
Or why your cookie-cutter portfolio doesn’t cut it and how to fix it
90% of designers are unhirable?
Jakob Has Jumped the Shark
Jakob Has Jumped the Shark
Yes, that is the bear from Jakob’s clearly spurious alternative text example and yes, that is The Fonz after jumping the shark. If you have been following the saga of Jakob Nielsen, there a few quotes I could use here: Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster (Nietzsche).…
Jakob Has Jumped the Shark
UX, Stop Believing The Gaslighters
UX, Stop Believing The Gaslighters
UX practitioners are being gaslit by people inside and outside of UX. It’s time to recognize it, stop believing it, and internalizing it.
UX, Stop Believing The Gaslighters
Defensible visual design
Defensible visual design
When you show your visual design to people, they might ask questions or challenge your decisions. Here are some notes on how to make your visual design easier to defend.
Defensible visual design
Tragedy of Return to Hostile Offices
Tragedy of Return to Hostile Offices
Don't suffer and merely survive, aided by your noise cancelling headphones. Optimising for individual happiness can result in less of the joy that people find in teams that achieve great things together.
Tragedy of Return to Hostile Offices
UX Designers’ Burnout: How to Deal with It?
UX Designers’ Burnout: How to Deal with It?
Working in the same field for several years is hard, and I still need to learn what burnout is. It’s more than just a lack of desire to do…
UX Designers’ Burnout: How to Deal with It?
A new product design career path
A new product design career path
Note: This article is from my personal experience of 17 years working in design. I’d love for others to share their experience in the…
A new product design career path
20 Skills Required for UI/UX Designers
20 Skills Required for UI/UX Designers
Glassdoor included UX/UI Designer roles in their list of 50 Best Jobs in America. Based on the Indeed data, the average salary for a User…
20 Skills Required for UI/UX Designers
The Looking Glass: What company politics actually is
The Looking Glass: What company politics actually is
What you and your biggest work adversary have in common; the magic incantation in times of conflict; and 5 steps for disagreeing…
The Looking Glass: What company politics actually is