UX / Product Design

UX / Product Design

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12 UX Design Trends of 2024
12 UX Design Trends of 2024
In the dynamic world of UI design, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As we delve into 2024, exciting trends are emerging, reshaping…
12 UX Design Trends of 2024
Is UX having an existential crisis?
Is UX having an existential crisis?
Continual rounds of layoffs, the emergence of advanced technology, and the proliferation of designers everywhere are forcing UX to…
Is UX having an existential crisis?
The UX of Threads’ downfall
The UX of Threads’ downfall
When fast onboarding gets in the way of long-term retention.
The UX of Threads’ downfall
Design is not a spectator sport.
Design is not a spectator sport.
How creating a design council can take your sponsor user program to the next level.
Design is not a spectator sport.
Experience, not Technology
Experience, not Technology
Designers are the right innovators for defining hybrid AI experiences, blending proactive and reactive intelligence
Experience, not Technology
Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI = Individualized UX
Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI = Individualized UX
Traditional methods for accessibility have been tried for 30 years without substantially improving computer usability for disabled users. It’s time for a change, and AI will soon come to the rescue with the ability to generate a different user interface for every user, optimized for that person’s unique needs.
Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI = Individualized UX
Web Tech Trends to Watch in 2024 and Beyond
Web Tech Trends to Watch in 2024 and Beyond
It hardly seems possible given the radical transformations we’ve seen over the last few decades, but the web design landscape is evolving faster than ever.
Web Tech Trends to Watch in 2024 and Beyond
On Nielsen's ideas about generative UI for resolving accessibility
On Nielsen's ideas about generative UI for resolving accessibility
"Accessibility has failed as a way to make computers usable for disabled users." Thus begins a newsletter by Jakob Nielsen. And had it not been written by someone a great many people take seriously in the UX industry I likely would just have dismissed it. But seeing how harmful I
On Nielsen's ideas about generative UI for resolving accessibility
We need to talk about Jakob
We need to talk about Jakob
Jakob Nielsen woke up one morning last week and chose violence. If you haven’t read his recent post, “Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI =...
We need to talk about Jakob
Nielsen and Norman Should Be Ignored
Nielsen and Norman Should Be Ignored
My LI feed lately is full of people unhappy with what one of these guys said. They’re not influencers anymore. Take them off the pedestals.
Nielsen and Norman Should Be Ignored
Are We Watching The Internet Die?
Are We Watching The Internet Die?
As we speak, the battle that platforms are fighting is against generative spam, a cartoonish and obvious threat of outright nonsense, meaningless chum that can and should (and likely will) be stopped.
Are We Watching The Internet Die?
New functions could be possible with new Apple Watch gestures
New functions could be possible with new Apple Watch gestures
If you think the pinch gesture on the new Apple Watch models is impressive, Apple may have more and larger gestures in store in future versions of watchOS for you.
New functions could be possible with new Apple Watch gestures
UX/UI design roadmap: 2. User Experience
UX/UI design roadmap: 2. User Experience
When you’re working on a website or app, it’s important to consider the user experience. You want your users to be able to easily use your…
UX/UI design roadmap: 2. User Experience
Designing Everything
Designing Everything
The second worst trick designers ever pulled was convincing the world that design is primarily about colors and fonts. The worst trick designers ever pulled was believing that ourselves.
Designing Everything
The tyranny of consistency
The tyranny of consistency
Consistency is helpful as a tool for designing user-friendly experiences. Until it isn’t.
The tyranny of consistency