Antiracism & Social Justice Resources

"#native americans" "#Native Americans"
Protecting Native American Voting Rights
Protecting Native American Voting Rights
Across America, it is altogether too hard for Native Americans to vote. They often must go off-reservation and travel outrageous distances to reach voting services. Many do not have home addresses or mail delivery, making registering and receiving a ballot difficult, if not impossible. Native Americans still face racial discrimination and hostilities when casting their ballots. NARF, in collaboration with Native American advocates across the country, have extensively documented these barriers and are fighting every day against this discrimination.
Protecting Native American Voting Rights
Labriola National American Indian Data Center turns 30
Labriola National American Indian Data Center turns 30
On April 1, 1993, the Labriola National American Indian Data Center was created within the ASU Library to serve as a national repository of Native American documents and materials and to provide access to this information through nationwide computer databases. Now in its 30th year, the Indigenous library has become an essential resource for the ASU community.
Labriola National American Indian Data Center turns 30