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Indigenous peoples and borders - Sheryl R. Lightfoot
Indigenous peoples and borders - Sheryl R. Lightfoot
"Indigenous Peoples and Borders considers the problem of state borders, which are frequently legacies of colonialism, and their impact on Indigenous Peoples around the world. Indigenous lands are frequently divided by such borders creating difficulties for their Native inhabitants that were until recently largely disregarded by international law and international relations scholars. The contributors, including many Indigenous rights practitioners, take up issues of sovereignty, power, globalization, economic integration, and self-determination in areas from Bangladesh to the Russian Arctic to Mexico. The collection takes a comparative, multidisciplinary, and global approach showing the ways Indigenous Peoples are challenging and working around borders, even as they are constrained by them"--
Indigenous peoples and borders - Sheryl R. Lightfoot
The myth of American idealism : how U.S. foreign policy endangers the world - Noam Chomsky
The myth of American idealism : how U.S. foreign policy endangers the world - Noam Chomsky
"The Myth of American Idealism offers a timely and comprehensive introduction to the incisive critiques of U.S. power that have made Noam Chomsky a "global phenomenon," one of the most widely known public intellectuals of all time. Surveying the history of U.S. military and economic activity around the world, Chomsky and his co-author Nathan J. Robinson vividly trace the way the American pursuit of global domination has wrought havoc in country after country--without, ironically, making Americans any safer. And they explore how dominant elites in the United States have pushed self-serving myths about this country's commitment to "spreading democracy," while pursuing a reckless foreign policy that served the interest of few and endangered all too many. Chomsky and Robinson range across the globe, offering penetrating accounts of Washington's relationship with the Global South, its role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan--all justified with noble stories about humanitarian missions and the benevolent intentions of American policy makers. The same kinds of myths that have led to repeated disastrous wars, they argue, are now driving us closer to wars with Russia and China that imperil humanity's future. Examining nuclear proliferation and climate change, they show how U.S. policies are continuing to exacerbate global threats. For well over half a century, Noam Chomsky has committed himself to exposing governing ideologies and criticizing his country's unchecked use of military power. At once thorough and devastating, urgent and provocative, The Myth of American Idealism offers a highly readable entry to the conclusions he has come to after a lifetime of thought and activism"--
The myth of American idealism : how U.S. foreign policy endangers the world - Noam Chomsky
The spaces in between : Indigenous sovereignty within the Canadian state - Timothy A. Schouls.
The spaces in between : Indigenous sovereignty within the Canadian state - Timothy A. Schouls.
"The Spaces In Between examines prospects for the enhanced practice of Indigenous political sovereignty within the Canadian state. As Indigenous rights include the right to self-determination, the book contends that restored practices of Indigenous sovereignty constitute important steps forward in securing better relationships between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian state. While the Canadian state maintains its position of dominance with respect to the exercise of state sovereignty, Tim Schouls reveals how Indigenous nations are nevertheless increasingly carving out and reclaiming areas of significant political power as their own. By means of strategically acquired legal concessions, often at the Supreme Court of Canada level, through hard-fought political negotiations and sometimes through simple declarations of intent, Indigenous nations have regularly compelled the Canadian state to roll back its jurisdiction over them. In doing so, they have enhanced their prospects for political sovereignty within Canada. As such, they now increasingly occupy what Schouls refers to metaphorically as "the spaces in between." The book asserts that occupation of these jurisdictional "spaces in between" not only goes some distance in meeting the requirements of Indigenous rights but also contributes to Indigenous community autonomy and well-being, enhancing prospects for reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian state."--
The spaces in between : Indigenous sovereignty within the Canadian state - Timothy A. Schouls.
Advanced introduction to indigenous human rights. Dinah Shelton
Advanced introduction to indigenous human rights. Dinah Shelton
Dinah Shelton and Federico Guzman Duque examine the human rights of indigenous peoples and communities under current international law. Setting out a historical overview of the legal treatment of native populations from the colonial period to the present, the authors deftly analyze frameworks of institutions monitoring indigenous human rights, theoretical issues relating to these, access to justice and reparations, and special considerations afforded to specific indigenous communities.
Advanced introduction to indigenous human rights. Dinah Shelton
Indigenous cultural property and international law : restitution, rights and wrongs - Shea Elizabeth Esterling
Indigenous cultural property and international law : restitution, rights and wrongs - Shea Elizabeth Esterling
"Examining the restitution of cultural property to Indigenous Peoples in human rights law, this book offers a detailed analysis of the opportunities and constraints of international law as a tool of resistance and social transformation for marginalized groups. In accordance with an increasing insistence on respect for diverse cultures, and through their own international mobilization, Indigenous Peoples have participated in the construction of a distinct human rights framework. Significant academic inquiry has focused on the substantive gains made by Indigenous Peoples in this context; along with its impact on a body of law that had previously denied Indigenous Peoples a basis for claims to their own cultural materials and practices. Accordingly, this book acknowledges that Indigenous Peoples, as non-state actors, have generated greater substantive and procedural legitimacy in human rights law making. Offering normative insights into the participation of non-state actors in international law making, it also, however, demonstrates that, despite their significant role in constructing the legal framework of human rights in the 21st century, the participation of Indigenous Peoples continues to be structurally limited. With its interdisciplinary approach to the field, this book will appeal to scholars and students in the fields of law, politics, anthropology and indigenous studies"--
Indigenous cultural property and international law : restitution, rights and wrongs - Shea Elizabeth Esterling
Self-determination as voice : the participation of indigenous peoples in international governance - Natalie Jones
Self-determination as voice : the participation of indigenous peoples in international governance - Natalie Jones
Self-Determination as Voice addresses the relationship between Indigenous peoples' participation in international governance and the law of self-determination. Many states and international organizations have put in place institutional mechanisms for the express purpose of including Indigenous representatives in international policy-making and decision-making processes, as well as in the negotiation and drafting of international legal instruments. Indigenous peoples' rights have a higher profile in the UN system than ever before. This book argues that the establishment and use of mechanisms and policies to enable a certain level of Indigenous peoples' participation in international governance has become a widespread practice, and perhaps even one that is accepted as law. In theory, the law of self-determination supports this move, and it is arguably emerging as a rule of customary international law. However, ultimately the achievement of the ideal of full and effective participation, in a manner that would fulfil Indigenous peoples' right to self-determination, remains deferred.
Self-determination as voice : the participation of indigenous peoples in international governance - Natalie Jones
Pod Save the World
Pod Save the World
“Pod Save America” cohost Tommy Vietor thought foreign policy was boring and complicated until he got the education of a lifetime working for President Obama’s National Security Council. On “Pod Save the World,” he and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes break down the latest developments and bring you behind the scenes with the people who were there. New episodes every Wednesday.
Pod Save the World
Guide to Law Online | Researcher Resources | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
Guide to Law Online | Researcher Resources | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
This Guide to Law Online is an annotated compendium of sources accessible through the Internet; which have been pre-sorted according to their relevance to a particular congressional committee. Links provide access to primary documents; legal commentary; and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics./p
Guide to Law Online | Researcher Resources | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
LibGuides: Criminal Justice & Criminology: What Is Criminal Justice? And What Is Criminology?
LibGuides: Criminal Justice & Criminology: What Is Criminal Justice? And What Is Criminology?
This collection offers an historical overview of how criminal justice has changed in American and English law and the effect criminology has had in facilitating those changes.
LibGuides: Criminal Justice & Criminology: What Is Criminal Justice? And What Is Criminology?
Time to speak out : Independent Jewish Voices on Israel, Zionism and Jewish identity - Barbara Rosenbaum (Editor); Julian A. Barden (Contribution by); Anne Karpf (Editor); Brian Klug (Editor); Jacqueline Rose (Editor)
Time to speak out : Independent Jewish Voices on Israel, Zionism and Jewish identity - Barbara Rosenbaum (Editor); Julian A. Barden (Contribution by); Anne Karpf (Editor); Brian Klug (Editor); Jacqueline Rose (Editor)
In A Time to Speak Out, a collection of strong Jewish voices come together to explore some of the most challenging issues facing diaspora Jews. With articles on such topics as international law, the Holocaust, varieties of Zionism, self-hatred, the multiplicity of Jewish identities, and human rights, these essays provide powerful evidence of the vitality of independent Jewish opinion as well as demonstrating that criticism of Israel has a crucial role to play in the continuing history of a Jewish concern for social justice. At once sober and radical, A Time To Speak Out reclaims an often intemperate debate for those both inside and outside Israel who prefer to confront uncomfortable truths. Nearly all contributors were associated with the Independent Jewish Voices declaration which, when launched in Britain in 2007, opened a floodgate of responses. Independent Jewish Voices is a group of Jews in Britain from diverse backgrounds, occupations and affiliations who have in common a strong commitment to social justice and universal human rights.
Time to speak out : Independent Jewish Voices on Israel, Zionism and Jewish identity - Barbara Rosenbaum (Editor); Julian A. Barden (Contribution by); Anne Karpf (Editor); Brian Klug (Editor); Jacqueline Rose (Editor)
Sensing injustice : a lawyer's life in the battle for change - Michael E. Tigar
Sensing injustice : a lawyer's life in the battle for change - Michael E. Tigar
""Sensing Injustice: A Lawyer's Life in the Battle for Change" combines Michael Tigar's wry legal and societal observations with his analysis of landmark civil rights and international justice cases on which he, as an attorney, worked . The result is a narrative that blends law, history, and progressive politics"--
Sensing injustice : a lawyer's life in the battle for change - Michael E. Tigar
Race and equality law - Angela P. Harris
Race and equality law - Angela P. Harris
The essays in this volume illuminate a central paradox in the post-colonial West: race remains a potent index of social, economic and political inequality even while racial discrimination has become unlawful, even anathema. The standard account of this paradox is that racial discrimination and inequality are unfortunate vestiges of the past, which an enlightened legal system is now engaged in extirpating. These essays reveal a different story: equality law preserves racial inequality even while denouncing it. The authors show how in country after country, legal rules define racism so narrowly and make racial discrimination so difficult to prove that inequality persists despite its symbolic extinction. This ground-breaking volume of English-language essays, aimed at academics and researchers, shows how critical race theory, an analytic approach developed in the United States, can shed light on the workings of race in political-legal systems as diverse as South Africa, New Zealand, France and Latin and South America.
Race and equality law - Angela P. Harris