Found 11 bookmarks
Dis/ability in media, law and history : intersectional, embodied and socially constructed? - edited by Micky Lee, Frank Rudy Cooper, and Patricia Reeve
Dis/ability in media, law and history : intersectional, embodied and socially constructed? - edited by Micky Lee, Frank Rudy Cooper, and Patricia Reeve
"This book explores how being "disabled" originates in the physical world, social representations and rules, and historical power relations-the interplay of which render bodies "normal" or not. Scholars and researchers will find that this book provides new avenues for thinking about dis/ability. A wider audience will find it accessible and informative"--
Dis/ability in media, law and history : intersectional, embodied and socially constructed? - edited by Micky Lee, Frank Rudy Cooper, and Patricia Reeve
NCA Anti-Discrimination Resource Bank
NCA Anti-Discrimination Resource Bank
This resource bank provides materials about discrimination and offers information for allies and marginalized groups working to make a difference in their communities. These resources include information on organizations that are committed to anti-discrimination work, mass media, and both academic and professional articles covering topics such as identifying and addressing discrimination, advocacy work, and dialoging about discrimination and anti-discrimination in the classroom.
NCA Anti-Discrimination Resource Bank
America Dissected | Crooked Media
America Dissected | Crooked Media
Wellness isn’t just about mindfulness, exercise, or the perfect skin. Politics, media, culture, science — everything around us — interact to shape our health. On America Dissected, Dr. Abdul El-Sayed explores what’s really making us sick and what we’ll need to take on — be it racism, corporate capitalism, or snake oil salesmen — to keep all of us healthy. From insulin price gouging to ineffective sunscreens, America Dissected cuts deeper into the state of health in America.
America Dissected | Crooked Media
The GroundTruth Project
The GroundTruth Project
The GroundTruth Project is a nonprofit media organization that seeks to build the capacity for freedom of expression in developing countries around the world by helping to support a new generation of correspondents who can work together across different media platforms and cultural backgrounds.   GroundTruth focuses on issues of social justice including human rights,
The GroundTruth Project