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NAACP builds Black political power to end structural racism. Let's put end to race-based discrimination together: become a member, advocate, or donate today.
Racial Justice Resources - Social Justice Film Institute
Racial Justice Resources - Social Justice Film Institute
In response to protests around the country and around the world following the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police we at the Social Justice Film Institute feel it important to honor the social justice moment we're living in right now. This document is intended to share films and reading inspired by the mission of social justice and racial equity and resources to donate in aid of those fighting for black lives and protesting police brutality. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. The Social Justice Film Festival stands in solidarity with black communities and with organizers and protestors demanding justice and equity across the nation. We are committed to a global culture where it is not just equality but equity that is achieved on all levels. We will work to affirm the artists who make the art of filmmaking and the public bearing witness from our personal lens and from the streets an integral part of social change. Justice Matters. Black Lives Matter.
Racial Justice Resources - Social Justice Film Institute
Antiracism : an introduction - Alex Zamalin
Antiracism : an introduction - Alex Zamalin
Racism is America's original and most enduring sin, with well-known historic and contemporary markers: slavery, lynching, Jim Crow, redlining, mass incarceration, police brutality. Yet a resurgence of white racism in the twenty-first century, from white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia, to the skyrocketing number of hate crimes being reported around the country, has also brought into sharp relief another uniquely American tradition: antiracism. In Anticracism, Alex Zamalin tells the powerful story of this political theory and practice. He examines the way in which the black antiracist tradition has strongly engaged questions of freedom, equality, justice, struggle, and political hope in dark times. Through a study of major figures, texts and political movements, he traces the history of antislavery abolition, black socialism, and the civil rights movement, leading all the way up to the contemporary Movement for Black Lives.
Antiracism : an introduction - Alex Zamalin
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
"Our national conversation about anti-Black racism made 2020 a pivotal year - painful for many cathartic for others memorable to all. Now a new year brings new opportunities to listen to Black voices and stories. Pick up one of these titles to deepen your knowledge of our country's past and join the chorus of voices advocating for a better future."
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford