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Class, race, and gender : challenging the injuries and divisions of capitalism - Michael Zweig
Class, race, and gender : challenging the injuries and divisions of capitalism - Michael Zweig
"Class, Race, and Gender: Challenging the Injuries and Divisions of Capitalism is for those who want to understand the underlying connections among today's social justice movements. Bringing forth the basic operations of capitalist economies, it reveals what is driving many of today's most urgent and vexing problems: the common origins of the inequalities of income, wealth, and power; environmental devastation; militarism; racism and white supremacy; patriarchy and male chauvinism; periodic economic crises; and the cultural conflicts that are tearing at US life. Michael Zweig illuminates all propositions with specific examples from US history, from the first settlement of the New World to current life, including his own lived experiences as an activist, educator, and organizer over the past six decades. As such, the book is an urgently needed resource for activists and organizers seeking structural and moral transformation of life in the US. Building on his analysis, Zweig also presents strategies for political action in electoral and movement-building work."
Class, race, and gender : challenging the injuries and divisions of capitalism - Michael Zweig
Righteous troublemakers : untold stories of the social justice movement in America - Al Sharpton
Righteous troublemakers : untold stories of the social justice movement in America - Al Sharpton
While the world may know the major names of the Civil Rights movement, there are countless lesser-known heroes fighting the good fight to advance equal justice for all, heeding the call when no one else was listening, often risking their lives and livelihoods in the process. This book shines a light on everyday people called to do extraordinary things--like Pauli Murray, whose early work informed Thurgood Marshall's legal argument for Brown v. Board of Education; Claudette Colvin, who refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus months before Rosa Parks did the same; and Gwen Carr, whose private pain in losing her son Eric Garner stoked her public activism against police brutality. -- adapted from jacket
Righteous troublemakers : untold stories of the social justice movement in America - Al Sharpton
LibGuides: Social Justice LibGuide
LibGuides: Social Justice LibGuide
Welcome to the Social Justice LibGuide! As you begin your academic and intellectual journey at Adelphi University, or perhaps you have already begun and are continuing this odyssey, this LibGuide provides ideas, resources, and strategies to take charge of your education, both in the classroom and outside of it. Perhaps you identify with a marginalized, oppressed community, or perhaps you identify with a cross section of minoritized statuses, or perhaps you simply want to become an ally or you are sympatico to social justice causes. Use this LibGuide as a starting point to explore your heritage, ways to become involved in campaigns of interest to you, become acquainted with terminology and concepts, find courses at Adelphi that somehow address social justice issues, learn about important works written by others that you can explore in your extracurricular reading, and more. Paolo Freire, the famed Brazilian educator, warned against the banking model of education. By this he meant an understanding of education as a system where the teacher deposits knowledge to waiting and passive students. He redefined education as an arena where individuals think critically about reality and ways to transform it. Education should be centered around the experiences, culture and context of the lives of students. Education should be an interaction or an exchange with others. It is the basis for freedom and overcoming oppressive systems, behaviors and knowledge. You already bring so much to the table simply by being who you are, by what you already know, so use this to engage with the world around you and the people who inhabit it. Instead, approach this LibGuide with the berry-picking theory of information gathering in mind. By this, we mean that you may not know initially what exactly you are looking for, but as you explore, pick bits of information here and there as you come across knowledge and scholarship and resources that stimulate your mind. What you find may surprise and delight you. Find your own way through this important and continuing voyage that we call your education. Take control and refuse the banking model of education and the belief that there is only one standard, defined and true path to being educated. Begin the dialogue and the conversation! Find an idea, an organization, a book of poetry, or a legal decision, and use it to engage with your professors, your librarians, and your peers. Use this LibGuide to jumpstart the discussion with others. This is the basis for all education.
LibGuides: Social Justice LibGuide
W. E. B. Du Bois Papers
W. E. B. Du Bois Papers
Scholar, writer, editor of The Crisis and other journals, co-founder of the Niagara Movement, the NAACP, and the Pan African Congresses, international spokesperson for peace and for the rights of oppressed minorities, W.E.B. Du Bois was a son of Massachusetts who articulated the strivings of African Americans and developed a trenchant analysis of the problem of the color line in the twentieth century. Includes over 100,000 items of correspondence (more than three quarters of the papers), speeches, articles, newspaper columns, nonfiction books, research materials, book reviews, pamphlets and leaflets, petitions, novels, essays, forewords, student papers, manuscripts of pageants, plays, short stories and fables, poetry, photographs, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, videotapes, audiotapes, and miscellaneous materials.
W. E. B. Du Bois Papers
Racing to justice : transforming our conceptions of self and other to build an inclusive society - John a. Powell;
Racing to justice : transforming our conceptions of self and other to build an inclusive society - John a. Powell;
Renownded social justice advocate John A. Powell persuasively argues that we have not achieved a post-racial society and there is much work to do to redeem the American promise of inclusive democracy. Culled from a decade of writing about social justice and spirituality, these meditations on race, identity, and social policy provide an outline for laying claim to our shared humanity and a way toward healing ourselves and securing our future. -- Book Cover
Racing to justice : transforming our conceptions of self and other to build an inclusive society - John a. Powell;