Social Movements & the Law

Uber Sued By United States Over Alleged Disability Discrimination
Uber Sued By United States Over Alleged Disability Discrimination
The lawsuit by the Justice Department takes aim against an April 2016 policy by the transport service of charging passengers “wait time” fees. This is a practice that started in several cities and eventually spread nationwide. The lawsuit claims that
Uber Sued By United States Over Alleged Disability Discrimination
High court urged to keep allowing disability bias cases against public programs
High court urged to keep allowing disability bias cases against public programs
Eighteen attorneys general did not take sides in a case brought by HIV-positive individuals against CVS, but rather asked the Supreme Court to uphold a legal standard that allows for claims of unintentional disability discrimination against federally funded programs.
High court urged to keep allowing disability bias cases against public programs
Benefits for People with Disabilities - Social Security Administration
Benefits for People with Disabilities - Social Security Administration
The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities. While these two programs are different in many ways, both are administered by the Social Security Administration and only individuals who have a disability and meet medical criteria may qualify for benefits under either program.
Benefits for People with Disabilities - Social Security Administration
Depression, PTSD, & Other Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: Your Legal Rights
Depression, PTSD, & Other Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: Your Legal Rights
If you have depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or another mental health condition, you are protected against discrimination and harassment at work because of your condition, you have workplace privacy rights, and you may have a legal right to get reasonable accommodations that can help you perform and keep your job. The following questions and answers briefly explain these rights, which are provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Depression, PTSD, & Other Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: Your Legal Rights
Learn About Disability and Health | CDC
Learn About Disability and Health | CDC
The mission of the CDC Disability and Health Branch is to promote the health and full participation in society by people with disabilities across the lifespan.
Learn About Disability and Health | CDC
Disability Benefits | Social Security Administration
Disability Benefits | Social Security Administration
The Disability Rights Section works to achieve equal opportunity for people with disabilities in the United States by implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Executive Order 12250. The Section's enforcement, regulatory, coordination, and technical assistance activities, along with an innovative mediation program, provide a multi-faceted and dynamic approach for carrying out this mission.
Disability Benefits | Social Security Administration
Disability Resources
Disability Resources
People with disabilities need good jobs too, and several U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) agencies assist people with disabilities in seeking meaningful work and succeeding once on the job. DOL also advises employers on effective strategies for recruiting and retaining qualified people with disabilities, as well as educates federal agencies and federal contractors and sub-contractors about their obligations related to affirmative action and nondiscrimination in hiring.
Disability Resources
Disability Rights Section - U.S. Department of Justice
Disability Rights Section - U.S. Department of Justice
The Disability Rights Section works to achieve equal opportunity for people with disabilities in the United States by implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Executive Order 12250. The Section's enforcement, regulatory, coordination, and technical assistance activities, along with an innovative mediation program, provide a multi-faceted and dynamic approach for carrying out this mission.
Disability Rights Section - U.S. Department of Justice
Guide to Disability Rights Laws
Guide to Disability Rights Laws
A guidance document that provides a brief overview of ten Federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities and provides information about the Federal agencies to contact for more information.
Guide to Disability Rights Laws
Justice Department Settles with Amtrak to Resolve Disability Discrimination Across its Intercity Rail System
Justice Department Settles with Amtrak to Resolve Disability Discrimination Across its Intercity Rail System
The Justice Department today announced that it reached an agreement with Amtrak, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, to resolve the department’s findings of disability discrimination in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Under the agreement Amtrak will fix inaccessible stations and pay $2.25 million to victims hurt by its inaccessible stations.
Justice Department Settles with Amtrak to Resolve Disability Discrimination Across its Intercity Rail System
Your Legal Disability Rights | USAGov
Your Legal Disability Rights | USAGov
Know your rights under federal law. Read about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which protects people’s rights regarding employment, public accommodations, state and local government services, and more. Learn about special accommodations for voters and know how to fight job discrimination.
Your Legal Disability Rights | USAGov
Commission on Disability Rights
Commission on Disability Rights
As an integral part of the ABA’s Diversity and Inclusion Center, the Commission strives to eliminate bias around persons with disabilities, enhance diversity and inclusion, and foster the full and equal participation of law students and lawyers with disabilities in the profession.
Commission on Disability Rights
Disability Justice
Disability Justice
An online resource for legal professionals, continuing legal education courses, law schools, students and others dedicated to protecting the rights of people with developmental disabilities.
Disability Justice
Disability Rights Bar Association
Disability Rights Bar Association
The DRBA is an online network of attorneys who specialize in disability civil rights law. Through the DRBA, disability rights attorneys share information, coordinate litigation and other legal representation strategies, and mentor lawyers and law students who are new to disability rights practice.
Disability Rights Bar Association
The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
DREDF is dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities through legal advocacy, training, education, and public policy and legislative development.
The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
Disability Rights Legal Center – DRLC
Disability Rights Legal Center – DRLC
Founded in 1975, Disability Rights Legal Center (DRLC) is a 501C-3 non-profit, public interest advocacy organization that champions the civil rights of people with disabilities through education, advocacy, and litigation.
Disability Rights Legal Center – DRLC
Advocacy Groups for People with Disabilities
Advocacy Groups for People with Disabilities
This is a listing of local and national organizations that aim to empower individuals and influence political, economic, and social institutions with the goal of independent living for people with disabilities.
Advocacy Groups for People with Disabilities
National Disability Rights Network - P&A - CAP | NDRN
National Disability Rights Network - P&A - CAP | NDRN
NDRN promotes the network’s capacity, ensures that P&As/CAPs remain strong and effective by providing training and fighting for people with disabilities.
National Disability Rights Network - P&A - CAP | NDRN
Workers' Compensation and Disability Benefits
Workers' Compensation and Disability Benefits
Employees who are injured or become ill on the job are entitled to workers' compensation benefits and cannot be fired based on receiving them.
Workers' Compensation and Disability Benefits
About the Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL)
About the Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL)
The ACDL advocates for the legal rights of persons with disabilities, envisioning a society that focuses on people’s abilities rather than disabilities.
About the Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL)