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How to Survive the End of the World – Disability Justice for the Apocalypse: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha Gets Us Together – 57:48
How to Survive the End of the World – Disability Justice for the Apocalypse: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha Gets Us Together – 57:48
Prolific writer Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha is a queer disabled femme writer, organizer, performance artist and educator of Burgher/Tamil Sri Lankan and Irish/Roma ascent. She visits us to discuss disability justice lessons and examples in relationship to her latest book Care by Mother Cyborg and Tunde Send in a voice message:
How to Survive the End of the World – Disability Justice for the Apocalypse: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha Gets Us Together – 57:48
The Helen Keller Exorcism - The Experiment
The Helen Keller Exorcism - The Experiment
The fantasy writer Elsa Sjunneson has been haunted by Helen Keller for nearly her entire life. Elsa is Deafblind, and growing up, she couldn’t escape the constant comparisons. Then, a year ago, an online conspiracy theory claiming that Keller was a fraud
The Helen Keller Exorcism - The Experiment
Home - The Accessible Stall
Home - The Accessible Stall
Episode 106: The Accessible Stall Interviews Ann Magill, Disability Pride Flag Creator   2022-07-26 Kyle Khachadurian Podcast Episodes 00:45:15 0 CommentsWe’re so thrilled about this episode! In celebration of Disability Pride Month, we had the honor of getting to interview Ann Magill, the creator of the Disability Pride flag. Tune to learn more about the...
Home - The Accessible Stall
Disarming Disability Podcast
Disarming Disability Podcast
A podcast centered around connecting disability experts to disability advocates. Disarming Disability aims to help you develop your disability pride and get active in your civil rights. This podcast is hosted by Nicole Kelly and Sarah Tuberty.
Disarming Disability Podcast
Podcasts | Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Podcasts | Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Join Kim Jump, Chief of Communications for Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), as she interviews unique individuals who discovered OOD Works! Find the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts, or download MP3 files and/or transcripts on this page.
Podcasts | Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Pigeonhole Podcast
Pigeonhole Podcast
This is the home for the Pigeonhole Podcast. Transcripts: Each episode has a downloadable pdf and plain text transcript on the episode page along with show notes. Episodes PH 44: Red with Lavaun Be…
Pigeonhole Podcast
POWER NOT PITY | A Podcast for Disabled People of Color Everywhere
POWER NOT PITY | A Podcast for Disabled People of Color Everywhere
POWER NOT PITY is a podcast that explores the lives of disabled people of color everywhere. Through storytelling, commentary and analysis, the podcast aims to amplify the lived experiences and perspectives of disabled people of color.
POWER NOT PITY | A Podcast for Disabled People of Color Everywhere
Timely Progress Review (TPR)
Timely Progress Review (TPR)
Find answers about Timely Progress Reviews (TPR) and your participation in Social Security's Ticket to Work program.
Timely Progress Review (TPR)
20 Best Disability Podcasts You Must Follow in 2023
20 Best Disability Podcasts You Must Follow in 2023
Best Disability Podcasts List featuring disability news, types of disability, employment and empowerment of people with disabilities, disability rights, disability issues, conversations with experts exploring topics related to disability and much more.
20 Best Disability Podcasts You Must Follow in 2023
Xceptional Leaders with Mai Ling Chan & James Berges
Xceptional Leaders with Mai Ling Chan & James Berges
Learn from disability-focused leaders about high profile topics and how they are truly making a difference. Mai Ling and James give you front row access to intimate conversations that are shaping the way the world is supporting people with disabilities. They share their intimate experiences— so you can start, grow, and expand your impact.
Xceptional Leaders with Mai Ling Chan & James Berges
Social Security Disability Law Podcast | iHeart
Social Security Disability Law Podcast | iHeart
What does it take to win Social Security disability benefits? Join disability attorney Jonathan Ginsberg as he demystifies the disability approval process and offers proven tactics to help you win the benefits you deserve.
Social Security Disability Law Podcast | iHeart
EPISODE 1: Who is dLCV? by Rights Here, Rights Now!
EPISODE 1: Who is dLCV? by Rights Here, Rights Now!
Rights Here, Rights Now! is a disAbility Law Center of Virginia podcast. The disAbility Law Center of Virginia is the protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities in Virginia.
EPISODE 1: Who is dLCV? by Rights Here, Rights Now!
Podcast Ep. 45 – Overt Discrimination in the Workplace
Podcast Ep. 45 – Overt Discrimination in the Workplace
In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Ashley Oolman (Lifeworks) leads listeners through a discussion about how disability status may not be as protected as other classes in the workplace. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Anchor   Though there are laws dating back to 1938 ensuring access to resources, employment, and equal rights, people with
Podcast Ep. 45 – Overt Discrimination in the Workplace
Disability Law Lowdown Podcast on Stitcher
Disability Law Lowdown Podcast on Stitcher
The Disability Law Lowdown Podcast delivers the latest in disability rights information every other week.
Disability Law Lowdown Podcast on Stitcher