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Every Step You Take: Police's Search for Armed Robber Makes New Law on Privacy of Geolocation Information - Jayce Born Amanda Claire Hoover Ronald D. Lee and Suneeta Hazra
Every Step You Take: Police's Search for Armed Robber Makes New Law on Privacy of Geolocation Information - Jayce Born Amanda Claire Hoover Ronald D. Lee and Suneeta Hazra
"An armed robber walks into seven stores in Indiana and Michigan during a three-week crime spree in October 2017. Investigators get from the robber's phone carrier real-time cell site location information (CSLI) that show his phone's pings to nearby cell towers which help the investigators geolocate their suspect. The robber gets arrested and charged in federal court with five counts of robbery and several accompanying weapons charges. And the rest of the world gets an opinion from the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on one of the many questions that the Supreme Court left open when it decided its seminal privacy-related opinion Carpenter v. United States 138 S. Ct. 2206 (2018)."
Every Step You Take: Police's Search for Armed Robber Makes New Law on Privacy of Geolocation Information - Jayce Born Amanda Claire Hoover Ronald D. Lee and Suneeta Hazra
Using Video to Advocate For Parole Clemency And Sentencing Mitigation: Legal Video Advocacy - WITNESS Media Labs
Using Video to Advocate For Parole Clemency And Sentencing Mitigation: Legal Video Advocacy - WITNESS Media Labs
"To help reduce this massive prison population and to promote human dignity and growth over punishment and retribution WITNESS is supporting advocates lawyers and incarcerated individuals in using video for sentencing mitigation and to advocate for decarceration through clemency and parole."
Using Video to Advocate For Parole Clemency And Sentencing Mitigation: Legal Video Advocacy - WITNESS Media Labs
New York State Bar Forms Task Force to Address Racism and Social Inequality - Eduardo Munoz
New York State Bar Forms Task Force to Address Racism and Social Inequality - Eduardo Munoz
"The New York State Bar Association is launching a task force focused on examining and addressing structural racism and other types of prejudice as part of its latest effort to resolve broader national social problems."
New York State Bar Forms Task Force to Address Racism and Social Inequality - Eduardo Munoz
Court Will Consider Whether Prisoners Can Develop Certain Evidence in Federal Court to Challenge Their Convictions - Noam Biale
Court Will Consider Whether Prisoners Can Develop Certain Evidence in Federal Court to Challenge Their Convictions - Noam Biale
"In 1994 death penalty lawyer Stephen Bright published his seminal essay Counsel for the Poor: The Death Sentence Not for the Worst Crime but for the Worst Lawyer. His argument 'succinctly stated in the title' was that indigent defendants were disproportionately sentenced to death because their lawyers (who were often court-appointed) were under-resourced ill-prepared and failed at the most basic levels in their duty to represent their clients."
Court Will Consider Whether Prisoners Can Develop Certain Evidence in Federal Court to Challenge Their Convictions - Noam Biale