Book & Film Lists

#antiracism #racism #activism
Verso Publishing
Verso Publishing
"In 1970 Verso–named after the term for a left-hand page–began as New Left Books. Founded by the journal New Left Review the fledging imprint sought to invigorate the Anglophone intellectual world with the energy and insight of the best continental philosophy and social theory. Now 50 years on Verso brings you radical voices that challenge capitalism racism and patriarchy debate the future of the planet and offer far-reaching proposals for social and political change. "
Verso Publishing
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
"Our national conversation about anti-Black racism made 2020 a pivotal year - painful for many cathartic for others memorable to all. Now a new year brings new opportunities to listen to Black voices and stories. Pick up one of these titles to deepen your knowledge of our country's past and join the chorus of voices advocating for a better future."
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford