Book Selections

Beyond the pink tide : art and political undercurrents in the Americas - Macarena Gomez-Barris
Beyond the pink tide : art and political undercurrents in the Americas - Macarena Gomez-Barris
"Beyond the Pink Tide considers a wave of artistic and curatorial efforts and social movements that refuse national borders in an effort to think hemispherically. In modeling a transnational American Studies, the book considers recent art and cultural production that engage politics in the Americas. In the late 1990s to the early 2000s, Latin America experienced a shift toward left-leaning and progressive politics that challenged US neoliberalism and hegemony. The media dubbed this turn the "pink tide," and by 2009, leftist governments were in power in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Venezuela. But by 2010, this tide began to turn as several governments failed to implement their progressive agendas, leaving the structures of capitalism intact. Beyond the Pink Tide explores new ways of understanding social and political transformation, particularly through the everyday practices of queer communities, anticapitalist movements, decolonization, feminisms, and the arts. Macarena Go��mez-Barris shows readers the possibilities beyond the limited frame of state-centered politics to achieve concrete social transformation beginning at the level of artistic and social imagination--in Latin America, the United States, and the world."--Provided by publisher.
Beyond the pink tide : art and political undercurrents in the Americas - Macarena Gomez-Barris
Antiracism: A Starter Booklist
Antiracism: A Starter Booklist
“One either allows racial inequities to persevere, as a racist, or confronts racial inequities, as an anti-racist. There is no in-between safe space of 'not racist.'” ― Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist The following 11 titles, a mix of history, social science, and memoir, offer facts and reflections on systemic racial injustice as well as ways to channel feeling into action.
Antiracism: A Starter Booklist
Here are the finalists for the 2022 National Book Awards
Here are the finalists for the 2022 National Book Awards
Three of the five finalists for fiction have been nominated for their debut novels, while all five finalists for young people's literature are being honored for the first time.
Here are the finalists for the 2022 National Book Awards
New Antiracist Collection
New Antiracist Collection
Welcome Back!  The law library is developing a collection of materials we are calling the Antiracist Collection. The items in this collection include cross-disciplinary resources in addition to boo…
New Antiracist Collection
Voice of Witness
Voice of Witness
Voice of Witness (VOW) is an oral history nonprofit that advances human rights by amplifying the voices of people impacted by—and fighting against—injustice. VOW’s work is driven by the transformative power of the story, and by a strong belief that social justice cannot be achieved without deep listening and learning from those marginalized by systems of oppression. Through our programming, we work with communities to ensure that: voices of marginalized and silenced communities are centered in narrative contexts (education, media, movements, and policymaking); students and communities have the tools and training to tell their own stories through oral history; storytelling practitioners and institutions use ethics-driven methodologies to gather narratives. The VOW Book Series depicts human rights issues through the edited oral histories of people, VOW narrators, who are most deeply impacted and at the heart of solutions to address injustice. The series explores issues of race-, gender-, and class-based inequity through the lenses of personal narrative. The VOW Education Program brings unheard stories and our ethical oral history methodology to classrooms and organizations across the US, connecting students, educators, and advocates with training and tools for storytelling in order to advance social change. Through our partnerships and consulting, VOW offers expert storytelling and program support to nonprofits, activists, schools, foundations, and more. These customized projects and workshops use VOW’s award-winning approach to promote empathy, build relationships, and amplify community voices.
Voice of Witness
Fighting to breathe : race, toxicity, and the rise of youth activism in Baltimore - Nicole Fabricant
Fighting to breathe : race, toxicity, and the rise of youth activism in Baltimore - Nicole Fabricant
"Industrial toxic emissions on the South Baltimore Peninsula are among the highest in the nation. Because of the concentration of factories and other chemical industries in their neighborhoods, residents face elevated rates of lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses in addition to heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular disease, all of which can lead to premature death. 'Fighting to Breathe' follows a dynamic and creative group of high school students who decided to fight back against the race- and class-based health disparities and inequality in their city. For more than a decade, student organizers stood up to the proposed construction of an incinerator and to unequal land use practices, and initiated new waste management strategies. As a Baltimore resident and activist-scholar, Nicole Fabricant documents how young organizers came to envision, design, and create a more just and sustainable Baltimore"--
Fighting to breathe : race, toxicity, and the rise of youth activism in Baltimore - Nicole Fabricant
#HashtagActivism : networks of race and gender justice - Brooke Foucault Welles; Genie Lauren (Foreword by); Sarah J. Jackson; Moya Baile
#HashtagActivism : networks of race and gender justice - Brooke Foucault Welles; Genie Lauren (Foreword by); Sarah J. Jackson; Moya Baile
"The beginning of the 21st century brought forth a number of social media platforms that have allowed activists to increase their audience exponentially and with relative ease. Under hashtags such as #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo to the Arab Spring and the Occupy movements, digital social activision mobilized people and movements like almost never before. In #HashtagActivism: Networked Counterpublics in the Digital Age the authors examine how and why Twitter hashtags have become an important platform for historically disenfranchised populations to advance counter narratives and advocate for social change. We contend that members of these marginalized groups, in the tradition of counterpublics, are using Twitter hashtags to build diverse networks of dissent and shape the cultural and political knowledge fundamental to contemporary identity-based social movements. Given shifting understandings and ongoing conversations about the role of social media in 21st century democracy, and considering recent high-profile public debates about racial violence, feminist inclusivity, and sexual identity, #Hashtag Activism will provide readers with a model of how to study political identity and meaning-making processes within digital spaces while highlighting compelling cases of counterpublic activism and dissent"--
#HashtagActivism : networks of race and gender justice - Brooke Foucault Welles; Genie Lauren (Foreword by); Sarah J. Jackson; Moya Baile
20 Best Immigration Books of All Time
20 Best Immigration Books of All Time
The 20 best immigration books recommended by Tim Wise, David Baddiel, The Agenda Tvo, Sarah Pulliam Bailey and Sree Sreenivasan Powerwomensummit.
20 Best Immigration Books of All Time
Ana Minian weighs in on whether the US is 'a nation of immigrants,' and shares the five best books on the subject: "It should be possible to talk about the many contributions that immigrants made without erasing the histories of Native Americans, slaves, and migrant workers."
CCIS Books
CCIS Books
CCIS scholars publish books on a wide variety of topics related to immigration. CCIS also publishes its own research, distributed by Lynne Rienner Publishers or co-published with other university and commercial presses. For further information about these books and to order them, please click on the names or covers of the books.
CCIS Books
50 Greatest Works of Immigration Literature
50 Greatest Works of Immigration Literature
Immigration debates flood news sources today, but the stories of those who flee their homes in search of new opportunities often get shoved to the margins.
50 Greatest Works of Immigration Literature
Nine must-read books about the immigrant experience in the US - Stump & Associates
Nine must-read books about the immigrant experience in the US - Stump & Associates
If you struggle to put into words how you feel about living in a new country, try reading someone else’s story. Reading a similar story to your own will confirm and awaken your feelings on your life in America. Reading books will give you a sense a validation. It’s like the authors are all telling… Read More
Nine must-read books about the immigrant experience in the US - Stump & Associates
Disability Justice Books
Disability Justice Books
Books shelved as disability-justice: Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Disability Visibility: First-Person Stor...
Disability Justice Books
Resistance dilemma : place-based movements and the climate crisis - George Hoberg
Resistance dilemma : place-based movements and the climate crisis - George Hoberg
"The book focuses on a strategic choice by the North American wing of the global climate movement: to ally themselves with place-based interests, including Indigenous groups, to block new coal plants, coal port expansion, fracking, and more recently, oil sands pipelines. The strategy by climate activists to target fossil fuel infrastructure has been effective at movement building and driving policy forward, but it might also indirectly threaten the clean energy transformation needed to address the climate crisis"--
Resistance dilemma : place-based movements and the climate crisis - George Hoberg
What Should You Read Next? Here Are the Best Reviewed Books of the Week
What Should You Read Next? Here Are the Best Reviewed Books of the Week
Idra Novey’s Take What You Need, Ann Napolitano’s Hello Beautiful, and Ghaith Abdul-Ahad’s A Stranger in Your Own City all feature among the Best Reviewed Books of the Week. Brought to you by Book …
What Should You Read Next? Here Are the Best Reviewed Books of the Week