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Become ungovernable : an abolition feminist ethic for democratic living - H. L. T. Quan
Become ungovernable : an abolition feminist ethic for democratic living - H. L. T. Quan
Become Ungovernable is a provocative new work of political thought setting out to reclaim "freedom", "justice", and "democracy", revolutionary ideas that are all too often warped in the interests of capital and the state. Revealing the mirage of mainstream democratic thought and the false promises of liberal political ideologies, H.L.T. Quan offers an alternative approach: an abolition feminism drawing on a kaleidoscope of refusal praxes, and on a deep engagement with the Black Radical Tradition and queer analytics. With each chapter anchored by episodes from the long history of resistance and rebellions against tyranny, Quan calls for us to take up a feminist ethic of living rooted in the principles of radical inclusion, mutuality and friendship as part of the larger toolkit for confronting fascism, white supremacy, and the neoliberal labor regime.
Become ungovernable : an abolition feminist ethic for democratic living - H. L. T. Quan
Loving corrections - Adrienne Maree Brown
Loving corrections - Adrienne Maree Brown
"Ethical, pondering, and wondrous, adrienne maree brown's Loving Corrections is a collection of love-based adjustments and reframes to grow our movements for liberation while navigating a society deeply fractured by greed, racism, and war. In this landmark book, brown invigorates her influential writing on belonging and accountability into the framework of "loving corrections": a generative space where rehearsals for the revolution become the everyday norm in relating to one another. Filled with practical wisdom on how to be a trustworthy communicator while providing bold visions for a shared future, Loving Corrections can speak to everyone caught in the crossroads of our political challenges and potential. No matter how new to the struggle, or how numerous our failures, brown's indispensable writing is an invitation to us all."--
Loving corrections - Adrienne Maree Brown
No fascist USA! : the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee and lessons for today's movements - Hilary Moore; James Tracy; Robin D. G. Kelley
No fascist USA! : the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee and lessons for today's movements - Hilary Moore; James Tracy; Robin D. G. Kelley
"How a national grassroots network fought a resurgence of the KKK and other fascist groups during the Reagan years, and how it laid the groundwork for today's anti-fascist/anti-racist movements."--
No fascist USA! : the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee and lessons for today's movements - Hilary Moore; James Tracy; Robin D. G. Kelley
Incarcerated resistance : how identity, gender, and privilege shape the experiences of America's nonviolent activists - Anya Stanger
Incarcerated resistance : how identity, gender, and privilege shape the experiences of America's nonviolent activists - Anya Stanger
"Grounded in the lives of some of its most committed nonviolent activists, Incarcerated Resistance tells a story of anti-war resistance, what it means to "go to jail for justice" in the contemporary United States, and shows how identity matters in both the activation of prison witness, and as a key shaper of individual experience"--
Incarcerated resistance : how identity, gender, and privilege shape the experiences of America's nonviolent activists - Anya Stanger
Voice of Witness
Voice of Witness
Voice of Witness (VOW) is an oral history nonprofit that advances human rights by amplifying the voices of people impacted by—and fighting against—injustice. VOW’s work is driven by the transformative power of the story, and by a strong belief that social justice cannot be achieved without deep listening and learning from those marginalized by systems of oppression. Through our programming, we work with communities to ensure that: voices of marginalized and silenced communities are centered in narrative contexts (education, media, movements, and policymaking); students and communities have the tools and training to tell their own stories through oral history; storytelling practitioners and institutions use ethics-driven methodologies to gather narratives. The VOW Book Series depicts human rights issues through the edited oral histories of people, VOW narrators, who are most deeply impacted and at the heart of solutions to address injustice. The series explores issues of race-, gender-, and class-based inequity through the lenses of personal narrative. The VOW Education Program brings unheard stories and our ethical oral history methodology to classrooms and organizations across the US, connecting students, educators, and advocates with training and tools for storytelling in order to advance social change. Through our partnerships and consulting, VOW offers expert storytelling and program support to nonprofits, activists, schools, foundations, and more. These customized projects and workshops use VOW’s award-winning approach to promote empathy, build relationships, and amplify community voices.
Voice of Witness
Verso Publishing
Verso Publishing
"In 1970 Verso–named after the term for a left-hand page–began as New Left Books. Founded by the journal New Left Review the fledging imprint sought to invigorate the Anglophone intellectual world with the energy and insight of the best continental philosophy and social theory. Now 50 years on Verso brings you radical voices that challenge capitalism racism and patriarchy debate the future of the planet and offer far-reaching proposals for social and political change. "
Verso Publishing
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
"Our national conversation about anti-Black racism made 2020 a pivotal year - painful for many cathartic for others memorable to all. Now a new year brings new opportunities to listen to Black voices and stories. Pick up one of these titles to deepen your knowledge of our country's past and join the chorus of voices advocating for a better future."
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
PM Press
PM Press
"PM Press is an independent radical publisher of books and media to educate entertain and inspire. Founded in 2007 by a small group of people with decades of publishing media and organizing experience PM Press amplifies the voices of radical authors artists and activists"
PM Press