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Justice for trans athletes : challenges and struggles - Ali Durham Greey
Justice for trans athletes : challenges and struggles - Ali Durham Greey
The last decade has seen significant changes in global attitudes, policies and practices that impact the lives of trans people, but the world of sport has been slow to follow these initiatives. Contributors to this book document the formidable social-cultural and legal challenges facing trans athletes, particularly girls and women, at the global, national, and local levels, in contexts ranging from school sport to international competition. They demonstrate how proponents of trans exclusion rely on flawed or inconclusive science, selectively employed to support their purported goal of 'protecting women's sport'. Politicians in the US, UK, and elsewhere who have shown little interest in women or in sport exploit the issue to advance broader conservative agendas, while hostile mainstream and social media coverage exacerbates the problem. Bringing insights from sociology, philosophy, science and law, contributors present cogent analyses of these developments and explore the way forward, providing thoughtful and original recommendations for changes to policies and practices that are inclusive, innovative and democratic. --
Justice for trans athletes : challenges and struggles - Ali Durham Greey
Trans children in today's schools - Aidan Key
Trans children in today's schools - Aidan Key
"Authored by a seasoned diversity educator, Trans Children in Today's Schools provides a pragmatic and thorough approach to creating inclusive, safe, and flexible environments for gender-diverse young people. The primary audience for this text is parents and K-12 educators, as well as the extended support network in a child's life. This book goes well beyond the what and why of gender diversity and answers the questions of how - how do we create inclusive environments for all children, how do we continue to educate ourselves, and how do we successfully navigate controversy and confusion so that we may best support children in today's schools? This text addresses pertinent issues of privacy and visibility and outlines best practices for teaching gender diversity in the classroom. This title contains standalone content that will guide parents and educators on their journey, including steps for creating a student support plan"--
Trans children in today's schools - Aidan Key