Cases & Legislation

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Accessible Voting Act
Accessible Voting Act
Why do we need the Accessible Voting Act? Almost a quarter of the electorate will be 65 years old or older in 2020, and an estimated 14.3 million citizens with disabilities reported voting in November 2018. These communities represent a large part of the electorate, but their needs related to voting are often overlooked and misunderstood.
Accessible Voting Act
US Supreme Court cases: Rights of the disabled
Disability Discrimination: U.S. Supreme Court Cases - FindLaw
Disability Discrimination: U.S. Supreme Court Cases - FindLaw
Below is a list of U.S. Supreme Court cases involving the rights of disabled persons and disability discrimination, including links to the full text of the U.S.
Disability Discrimination: U.S. Supreme Court Cases - FindLaw
Disability Law
Disability Law
Disability law refers to laws related to individuals with disabilities; specifically, these laws protect disabled individuals from certain kinds of discrimination. Disability laws are particularly concerned with employment, housing, education, and access to public services. Today, disability law is largely regulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
Disability Law
Disability Law: Which Laws Do What? | Understood
Disability Law: Which Laws Do What? | Understood
Three federal laws protect the rights of people with disabilities: IDEA, Section 504, and ADA. But which law does what? Here’s an overview.
Disability Law: Which Laws Do What? | Understood