Found 1598 bookmarks
Homeless advocacy - Laura Riley
Homeless advocacy - Laura Riley
"Homeless Advocacy examines the role legal advocacy plays in preventing and ending homelessness. The book provides a history of homelessness, the current state of it in the United States, context on working with unhoused populations, and analyzes the legal issues they face through a practitioner's lens. With these topics, ranging from criminalization of homelessness to employment barriers and affordable housing, the author provides a resource that will encourage and enable more people to advocate on behalf of unhoused populations and will serve as a guidepost to advance that advocacy. There are many books on poverty, but this book is different and complementary as it focuses on the unhoused population and the legal challenges unique to them. It is aimed at law students, policy, and social work students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and individual activists. It includes narratives from practitioners and those with lived experience of being unhoused"--
Homeless advocacy - Laura Riley
Geometrical justice : the death penalty in America - Scott W. Phillips and Mark Cooney
Geometrical justice : the death penalty in America - Scott W. Phillips and Mark Cooney
"Legal decisions continue to mystify: Why was this person convicted and that person acquitted of the same crime? Why did she sue for breach of contract and he did not? Legal rules are supposed to provide answers to these questions, but their answers are radically incomplete. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a theory that explained legal decisions, which predicted how legal cases are likely to be brought and decided? Drawing on Donald Black's theory of the behavior of law, Geometrical Justice: The Death Penalty in America aims to offer some answers, looking specifically at who receives the death penalty in the US. Drawing on large datasets, including the Baldus study which demonstrated racial bias in sentencing decisions, this book considers the ways in which social characteristics such as race, class, moral reputation, organizational status affect legal decision making, and the wide discrepancies in the use of capital punishment. Geometrical Justice will be of interest to those engaged in criminal justice, criminology and socio-legal studies, as well as students taking courses on sentencing, corrections and capital punishment"--
Geometrical justice : the death penalty in America - Scott W. Phillips and Mark Cooney
Class, race, and gender : challenging the injuries and divisions of capitalism - Michael Zweig
Class, race, and gender : challenging the injuries and divisions of capitalism - Michael Zweig
"Class, Race, and Gender: Challenging the Injuries and Divisions of Capitalism is for those who want to understand the underlying connections among today's social justice movements. Bringing forth the basic operations of capitalist economies, it reveals what is driving many of today's most urgent and vexing problems: the common origins of the inequalities of income, wealth, and power; environmental devastation; militarism; racism and white supremacy; patriarchy and male chauvinism; periodic economic crises; and the cultural conflicts that are tearing at US life. Michael Zweig illuminates all propositions with specific examples from US history, from the first settlement of the New World to current life, including his own lived experiences as an activist, educator, and organizer over the past six decades. As such, the book is an urgently needed resource for activists and organizers seeking structural and moral transformation of life in the US. Building on his analysis, Zweig also presents strategies for political action in electoral and movement-building work."
Class, race, and gender : challenging the injuries and divisions of capitalism - Michael Zweig
Black ceiling : how race still matters in the elite workplace - Kevin Woodson
Black ceiling : how race still matters in the elite workplace - Kevin Woodson
A revelatory assessment of workplace inequality in high-status jobs that focuses on a new explanation for a pernicious problem: racial discomfort. America's elite law firms, investment banks, and management consulting firms are known for grueling hours, low odds of promotion, and personnel practices that push out any employees who don't advance. While most people who begin their careers in these institutions leave within several years, work there is especially difficult for Black professionals, who exit more quickly and receive far fewer promotions than their White counterparts, hitting a "Black ceiling." Sociologist and law professor Kevin Woodson knows firsthand what life at a top law firm feels like as a Black man. Examining the experiences of more than one hundred Black professionals at prestigious firms, Woodson discovers that their biggest obstacle in the workplace isn't explicit bias but racial discomfort, or the unease Black employees feel in workplaces that are steeped in Whiteness. He identifies two types of racial discomfort: social alienation, the isolation stemming from the cultural exclusion Black professionals experience in White spaces, and stigma anxiety, the trepidation they feel over the risk of discriminatory treatment. While racial discomfort is caused by America's segregated social structures, it can exist even in the absence of racial discrimination, which highlights the inadequacy of the unconscious bias training now prevalent in corporate workplaces. Firms must do more than prevent discrimination, Woodson explains, outlining the steps that firms and Black professionals can take to ease racial discomfort. Offering a new perspective on a pressing social issue, The Black Ceiling is a vital resource for leaders at preeminent firms, Black professionals and students, managers within mostly White organizations, and anyone committed to cultivating diverse workplaces.
Black ceiling : how race still matters in the elite workplace - Kevin Woodson
Unbottled : the fight against plastic water and for water justice - Daniel Jaffee
Unbottled : the fight against plastic water and for water justice - Daniel Jaffee
"In just four decades, bottled water has transformed from a luxury niche item into a ubiquitous consumer product, representing a $300 billion market dominated by global corporations. It sits at the convergence of a mounting ecological crisis of single-use plastic waste and climate change, a social crisis of drinking water affordability, and a struggle over the fate of public water systems. Unbottled examines the vibrant movements that have emerged to question the need for bottled water and challenge its growth in North America and worldwide. Drawing on extensive interviews with activists, residents, public officials, and other participants in controversies ranging from bottled water's role in unsafe tap water crises to groundwater extraction for bottling in rural communities, Daniel Jaffee asks what this commodity's meteoric growth means for social inequality, sustainability, and the human right to water. Unbottled profiles campaigns to reclaim the tap, and addresses the challenges of ending dependence on packaged water in places where safe water is not widely accessible. Clear and compelling, it assesses the prospects for the movements fighting plastic water and working to ensure water justice for all"--;"An exploration of bottled water's impact on social justice and sustainability, and how diverse movements are fighting back. In just four decades, bottled water has transformed from a luxury niche product into a $300 billion global industry. It sits at the convergence of a mounting ecological crisis of single-use plastic waste and climate change, a social crisis of drinking water affordability, and a struggle over the fate of public water systems. 'Unbottled' examines the vibrant movements that are questioning the need for bottled water and challenging its growth in North America and worldwide. Drawing on extensive interviews with participants in a range of controversies--from bottled water's role in unsafe tap water crises to groundwater extraction in rural communities--Daniel Jaffee asks what this commodity's meteoric growth means for social inequality, sustainability, and the human right to water. Clear and compelling, it assesses the prospects for the movements fighting plastic water and working to ensure water justice for all"--Page 4 of printed paper wrapper.
Unbottled : the fight against plastic water and for water justice - Daniel Jaffee
These walls : the battle for Rikers Island and the future of America's jails - Eva Fedderly
These walls : the battle for Rikers Island and the future of America's jails - Eva Fedderly
This riveting blend of on-the-ground reporting and sweeping social and architectural history discusses the decision to close Rikers Island and what it will really mean for reformists, justice architects, abolitionists, city government officials, prison guards and the incarcerated themselves.
These walls : the battle for Rikers Island and the future of America's jails - Eva Fedderly
Say the right thing : how to talk about identity, diversity, and justice - Kenji Yoshino and David Glasgow
Say the right thing : how to talk about identity, diversity, and justice - Kenji Yoshino and David Glasgow
"In the current period of social and political unrest, conversations about identity are becoming more frequent and more difficult. On subjects like critical race theory, gender equity in the workplace, and LGBTQ-inclusive classrooms, many of us are understandably fearful of saying the wrong thing. That fear can sometimes prevent us from speaking up at all, depriving people from marginalized groups of support and stalling progress toward a more just and inclusive society. Kenji Yoshino and David Glasgow, founders of the Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at NYU School of Law, are here to show potential allies that these conversations don't have to be so overwhelming. Through stories drawn from contexts as varied as social media posts, dinner party conversations, and workplace disputes, they offer seven user-friendly principles that teach skills such as how to avoid common conversational pitfalls, engage in respectful disagreement, offer authentic apologies, and better support people in our lives who experience bias"--
Say the right thing : how to talk about identity, diversity, and justice - Kenji Yoshino and David Glasgow
Politics of innocence : how wrongful convictions shape public opinion - Robert J. Norris, William D. Hicks, and Kevin J. Mullinix
Politics of innocence : how wrongful convictions shape public opinion - Robert J. Norris, William D. Hicks, and Kevin J. Mullinix
"A demonstration of how wrongful convictions have transformed American criminal justice, and how political ideology divides and shapes the innocence movement's fight for reform"--
Politics of innocence : how wrongful convictions shape public opinion - Robert J. Norris, William D. Hicks, and Kevin J. Mullinix
Not white enough : the long, shameful road to Japanese American internment - Lawrence Goldstone
Not white enough : the long, shameful road to Japanese American internment - Lawrence Goldstone
"Not White Enough is a legal and political history of anti-Asian bigotry, beginning with the California Gold Rush and ending with the infamous Supreme Court decision that upheld the imprisonment without trial of more than 100,000 innocent Americans on the spurious grounds of national security. The book demonstrates how law and politics bled into each other for decades to enable two-tiered justice, brushing aside Constitutional guarantees of equality under law. Not White Enough examines each of the key Supreme Court decisions-Wong Kim Ark, Ozawa, and Thind, for example-as expressions of political will and not simply jurisprudence. The author chronicles the political history of racism that made Japanese internment almost inevitable, including the key role San Francisco mayors James D. Phelan and Eugene Schmitz, political boss Abe Ruef, and California attorney general Ulysses Webb played in instigating, for political convenience, some of the most egregious anti-Asian legislation"--
Not white enough : the long, shameful road to Japanese American internment - Lawrence Goldstone
Lawyer, jailer, ally, foe : complicity and conscience in America's World War II concentration camps - Eric L. Muller
Lawyer, jailer, ally, foe : complicity and conscience in America's World War II concentration camps - Eric L. Muller
"In the Japanese American relocation camps of World War II, internees could, on any given day, be both clients and victims of their assigned War Relocation Authority lawyers. The morally ambiguous remit of these attorneys was wide and often contradictory, including overseeing the day-to-day administration of the camps, settling internal disputes between inmates, managing conflict between detainees and their government captors, and providing legal representation for prisoners outside of the camps. In re-creating the daily lives of these WRA attorneys, Eric L. Muller seeks to capture historical subjects as three-dimensional, flawed human beings"--
Lawyer, jailer, ally, foe : complicity and conscience in America's World War II concentration camps - Eric L. Muller
Indictment : the criminal justice system on trial - Benjamin Perrin
Indictment : the criminal justice system on trial - Benjamin Perrin
"#MeToo. Black Lives Matter. Decriminalize Drugs. No More Stolen Sisters. Stop Stranger Attacks. Do we need more cops or to defund police? Harm reduction or treatment? Tougher sentences or prison abolition? The debate about Canada's criminal justice system has rarely been so polarized. This book brings the stories of survivors and offenders alike to the forefront to help us understand why the criminal justice system is facing such an existential crisis. Benjamin Perrin draws on his expertise as a lawyer, former top criminal justice advisor to the prime minister, and law clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada to investigate the criminal justice system itself. He critiques the system from a trauma-informed perspective, examining its treatment of victims of crime, Indigenous people and Black Canadians, people with substance use and mental health disorders, and people experiencing homelessness, poverty, and unemployment. Perrin also shares insights from others on the frontlines, including prosecutors and defence lawyers, police chiefs, Indigenous leaders, victim support workers, corrections officers, public health experts, gang outreach workers, prisoner and victims' rights advocates, criminologists, psychologists, and leading trauma experts. Bringing forward the voices of marginalized people, along with their stories of survival and resilience, Indictment shows that a better way is possible."--
Indictment : the criminal justice system on trial - Benjamin Perrin
Correction : parole, prison, and the possibility of change - Ben Austen
Correction : parole, prison, and the possibility of change - Ben Austen
"From the critically acclaimed author of High-risers comes a groundbreaking and honest investigation into the crisis of the American criminal justice system-through the lens of parole. Perfect for fans of Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow and Bryan Stevenson's Just Mercy The United States, alone, locks up a quarter of the world's incarcerated people. And yet apart from cliches-paying a debt to society; you do the crime, you do the time-there is little sense collectively in America what constitutes retribution or atonement. We don't actually know why we punish. Ben Austen's powerful exploration offers a behind-the-scenes look at the process of parole. Told through the portraits of two men imprisoned for murder, and the parole board that holds their freedom in the balance, Austen's unflinching storytelling forces us to reckon with some of the most profound questions underlying the country's values around crime and punishment. What must someone who commits a terrible act do to get a second chance? What does incarceration seek to accomplish? An illuminating work of narrative nonfiction, Correction challenges us to consider for ourselves why and who we punish-and how we might find a way out of an era of mass imprisonment"--
Correction : parole, prison, and the possibility of change - Ben Austen
Tip of the spear : black radicalism, prison repression, and the long Attica revolt - Orisanmi Burton
Tip of the spear : black radicalism, prison repression, and the long Attica revolt - Orisanmi Burton
"Tip of the Spear boldly and compellingly argues that prisons are a domain of hidden warfare within US borders. Orisanmi Burton explores what he terms the Long Attica Revolt, a criminalized tradition of Black radicalism that propelled rebellions in New York prisons during the 1970s. The reaction to this revolt illuminates what Burton calls prison pacification: the coordinated tactics of violence, isolation, sexual terror, propaganda, reform, and white supremacist science and technology that state actors use to eliminate Black resistance within and beyond prison walls. Burton goes beyond the state records that other histories have relied on for the story of Attica and expands that archive, drawing on oral history and applying Black radical theory in ways that center the intellectual and political goals of the incarcerated people who led the struggle. Packed with little-known insights from the prison movement, the Black Panther Party, and the Black Liberation Army, Tip of the Spear promises to transform our understanding of prisons-not only as sites of race war and class war, of counterinsurgency and genocide, but also as sources of defiant Black life, revolutionary consciousness, and abolitionist possibility"--
Tip of the spear : black radicalism, prison repression, and the long Attica revolt - Orisanmi Burton
Supreme bias : gender and race in U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings - Paul M. Collins, Lori Ringhand, and Christina Boyd
Supreme bias : gender and race in U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings - Paul M. Collins, Lori Ringhand, and Christina Boyd
"In Supreme Bias, Christina L. Boyd, Paul M. Collins, Jr., and Lori A. Ringhand, present for the first time a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of race and gender at the Supreme Court confirmation hearings held before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Drawing on their deep knowledge of the confirmation hearings, as well as rich new qualitative and quantitative evidence, the authors highlight how the women and people of color who have sat before the Committee have faced a significantly different confirmation process than their white, male colleagues. Despite being among the most qualified and well-credentialed lawyers of their respective generations, female nominees and nominees of color face more skepticism of their professional competence, are subjected to stereotype-based questioning, and are more frequently interrupted and described in less positive terms by senators. In addition to revealing the disturbing extent to which race and gender bias exists even at the highest echelon of U.S. legal power, this book also provides concrete suggestions for how that bias can be reduced in the future"--
Supreme bias : gender and race in U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings - Paul M. Collins, Lori Ringhand, and Christina Boyd
An inconvenient cop : my fight to change policing in America - Edwin Raymond
An inconvenient cop : my fight to change policing in America - Edwin Raymond
"From the highest-ranking whistleblower in the history of the NYPD, a political memoir that exposes the brokenness of policing from both outside and inside the system During the workday, Edwin Raymond is on the beat as a ranked lieutenant in the New York Police Department. When the uniform comes off, he takes on a very different role: the lead plaintiff in the largest-ever civil rights lawsuit against the very police force he serves. This is the true story of one of our country's most important whistleblowers against police injustice, told in his own words. Raised in a poverty-stricken, largely immigrant neighborhood in Brooklyn and driven toward law enforcement by the hope of being a positive influence in his community, Raymond quickly learned that the problem with policing is a lot deeper than merely "a few bad apples"--the entire mechanism is set up to ensure that racial profiling is rewarded, and there are weighty consequences for cops who don't play along. Offering a rare, often shocking view of American policing through the eyes of an insider to the system, Raymond pulls back the curtain on the many injustices woven into the NYPD's training, data, and practices--all of which have been repackaged and repurposed by police departments across America. At once revelatory and galvanizing, An Inconvenient Cop is a whistleblower account unlike any other--a book that courageously bears witness to and exposes institutional violence, all while presenting a vision of radical hope, making the case for a world in which the police's responsibility is to the people, not to their arrest numbers" --
An inconvenient cop : my fight to change policing in America - Edwin Raymond
The war on critical race theory : or, the remaking of racism - Davis Theo Goldberg
The war on critical race theory : or, the remaking of racism - Davis Theo Goldberg
"David Theo Goldberg analyzes the claims expressed in the attacks on critical race theory (CRT). He punctures the demonization of CRT, uncovering who is orchestrating it, funding the assault, and distributing the message. The book illustrates the enduring nature of structural racism, even as a conservative insistence on colorblindness serves to silence the possibility of doing anything about it. Goldberg exposes the political aims and effects of the vitriolic attacks. The upshot of CRT's targeting, he argues, has been to unleash racisms anew and to stymie any attempt to fight them, all with the aim of protecting white minority rule" --
The war on critical race theory : or, the remaking of racism - Davis Theo Goldberg
Stolen wealth, hidden power : the case for reparations for mass incarceration - Tasseli McKay
Stolen wealth, hidden power : the case for reparations for mass incarceration - Tasseli McKay
"Stolen Wealth, Hidden Power contends that the deep economic inequality and racial disparities that Americans take for granted have been quietly held in place by the four-decade campaign of racialized state violence known as mass incarceration. Tasseli McKay presents detailed evidence that the steep direct costs of mass-scale imprisonment are far overshadowed by its hidden costs and harms, many of which have been kept out of sight by women's invisible labor. Finding that the economic value of the damages to Black individuals, families, and communities totals $7.13 trillion--a sum equivalent to 85 percent of the current Black-White household wealth gap--McKay points to the urgency and feasibility of reparation and to the possibilities that lie beyond it"--Provided by publisher.
Stolen wealth, hidden power : the case for reparations for mass incarceration - Tasseli McKay
Opinions : a decade of arguments, criticism, and minding other people's business - Roxane Gay
Opinions : a decade of arguments, criticism, and minding other people's business - Roxane Gay
From beloved and bestselling author Roxane Gay, "a strikingly fresh cultural critic" (Washington Post) comes an exhilarating collection of her essays on culture, politics, and everything in between. Since the publication of the groundbreaking Bad Feminist and Hunger, Roxane Gay has continued to tackle big issues embroiling society--state-sponsored violence and mass shootings, womens rights post-Dobbs, online disinformation, and the limits of empathy--alongside more individually personalized matters: can I tell my co-worker her perfume makes me sneeze? Is it acceptable to schedule a daily 8 am meeting? In her role as a New York Times opinion section contributor and the publications "Work Friend" columnist, she reaches millions of readers with her wise voice and sharp insights. Opinions is a collection of Roxane Gays best nonfiction pieces from the past ten years. Covering a wide range of topics--politics, feminism, the culture wars, civil rights, and much more--with an all-new introduction in which she reflects on the past decade in America, this sharp, thought-provoking anthology will delight Roxane Gays devotees and draw new readers to this inimitable talent.
Opinions : a decade of arguments, criticism, and minding other people's business - Roxane Gay
Muslim Prisoner Litigation: An Unsung American Tradition - SpearIt
Muslim Prisoner Litigation: An Unsung American Tradition - SpearIt
Since the early 1960s, incarcerated Muslims have used legal action to establish their rights to religious freedom behind bars and improve the conditions of their incarceration. Inspired by Islamic principles of justice and equality, these efforts have played a critical role in safeguarding the civil rights not only of imprisoned Muslims but of all those confined to carceral settings. In this sweeping book����-the first to examine this history in depth-SpearIt writes a missing chapter in the history of Islam in America while illuminating new perspectives on the role of religious expression and experience in the courtroom.
Muslim Prisoner Litigation: An Unsung American Tradition - SpearIt
Black AF history : the un-whitewashed story of America - Michael Harriot
Black AF history : the un-whitewashed story of America - Michael Harriot
"From acclaimed columnist and political commentator Michael Harriot, a searingly smart and bitingly hilarious retelling of American history that corrects the record and showcases the perspectives and experiences of Black Americans. America's backstory is a whitewashed mythology implanted in our collective memory. It is the story of the pilgrims on the Mayflower building a new nation. It is George Washington's cherry tree and Abraham Lincoln's log cabin. It is the fantastic tale of slaves that spontaneously teleported themselves here with nothing but strong backs and negro spirituals. It is a sugarcoated legend based on an almost true story. It should come as no surprise that the dominant narrative of American history is blighted with errors and oversights--after all, history books were written by white men with their perspectives at the forefront. It could even be said that the devaluation and erasure of the Black experience is as American as apple pie. In Black AF History, Michael Harriot presents a more accurate version of American history. Combining unapologetically provocative storytelling with meticulous research based on primary sources as well as the work of pioneering Black historians, scholars, and journalists, Harriot removes the white sugarcoating from the American story, placing Black people squarely at the center. With incisive wit, Harriot speaks hilarious truth to oppressive power, subverting conventional historical narratives with little-known stories about the experiences of Black Americans. From the African Americans who arrived before 1619 to the unenslavable bandit who inspired America's first police force, this long overdue corrective provides a revealing look into our past that is as urgent as it is necessary. For too long, we have refused to acknowledge that American history is white history. Not this one. This history is Black AF"--
Black AF history : the un-whitewashed story of America - Michael Harriot
Behind her badge : a woman's journey into and out of law enforcement - Ann Marie Dennis
Behind her badge : a woman's journey into and out of law enforcement - Ann Marie Dennis
"From the struggles of childhood abuse to becoming a female police officer, this book tells the story of a woman's journey through the male dominated world of law enforcement. Through this personal account and unique perspective, a better understanding of policing strengths and weaknesses is gained"--
Behind her badge : a woman's journey into and out of law enforcement - Ann Marie Dennis
American injustice : inside stories from the underbelly of the criminal justice system - David S. Rudolf
American injustice : inside stories from the underbelly of the criminal justice system - David S. Rudolf
"From the fearless defense attorney and civil rights lawyer who rose to fame with Netflix's The Staircase comes an essential examination of America's corrupt and abusive criminal justice system"--;In the past thirty years more than 2,800 innocent American prisoners- their combined sentences surpassing 25,000 years- have been exonerated and freed after being condemned for crimes they did not commit. This number represents only a fraction of the actual number of persons wrongfully accused and convicted over the same period. Rudolf draws from his years of experience in the American criminal legal system to shed light on the misconduct that exists at all levels of law enforcement and the tragic consequences that follow in its wake. He revisits unsolved murders to detail how and why the true culprits were never prosecuted; reveals how confirmation bias leads police and prosecutors to employ tactics that make wrongful arrests and prosecutions more likely; and exposes how poverty and racism fundamentally distort the system. - adapted from jacket
American injustice : inside stories from the underbelly of the criminal justice system - David S. Rudolf