Countering Transphobia & Gender Discrimination

Opinion: Utah incident reveals this inherent threat in anti-trans efforts to ‘protect’ girls in sports | CNN
Opinion: Utah incident reveals this inherent threat in anti-trans efforts to ‘protect’ girls in sports | CNN
A teenage girl in Utah has had to seek police protection after a member of the Utah State Board of Education suggested that she could be transgender (she is not), a reality that is the product of growing trans panic in this country, particularly when it comes to girls’ and women’s sports teams, writes Frankie de la Cretaz.
Opinion: Utah incident reveals this inherent threat in anti-trans efforts to ‘protect’ girls in sports | CNN
Introducing All The Only Ones : Embedded
Introducing All The Only Ones : Embedded
All The Only Ones is a new 3-part series from NPR's Embedded. Host Laine Kaplan-Levenson unearths the little known and often neglected history of trans youth in America. We follow the lives of young transgender people today and travel back in time to the turn of the 20th century to meet some of the earliest trans youth documented in American history. Launching on November 2.
Introducing All The Only Ones : Embedded
Justice for trans athletes : challenges and struggles - Ali Durham Greey
Justice for trans athletes : challenges and struggles - Ali Durham Greey
The last decade has seen significant changes in global attitudes, policies and practices that impact the lives of trans people, but the world of sport has been slow to follow these initiatives. Contributors to this book document the formidable social-cultural and legal challenges facing trans athletes, particularly girls and women, at the global, national, and local levels, in contexts ranging from school sport to international competition. They demonstrate how proponents of trans exclusion rely on flawed or inconclusive science, selectively employed to support their purported goal of 'protecting women's sport'. Politicians in the US, UK, and elsewhere who have shown little interest in women or in sport exploit the issue to advance broader conservative agendas, while hostile mainstream and social media coverage exacerbates the problem. Bringing insights from sociology, philosophy, science and law, contributors present cogent analyses of these developments and explore the way forward, providing thoughtful and original recommendations for changes to policies and practices that are inclusive, innovative and democratic. --
Justice for trans athletes : challenges and struggles - Ali Durham Greey
Trans children in today's schools - Aidan Key
Trans children in today's schools - Aidan Key
"Authored by a seasoned diversity educator, Trans Children in Today's Schools provides a pragmatic and thorough approach to creating inclusive, safe, and flexible environments for gender-diverse young people. The primary audience for this text is parents and K-12 educators, as well as the extended support network in a child's life. This book goes well beyond the what and why of gender diversity and answers the questions of how - how do we create inclusive environments for all children, how do we continue to educate ourselves, and how do we successfully navigate controversy and confusion so that we may best support children in today's schools? This text addresses pertinent issues of privacy and visibility and outlines best practices for teaching gender diversity in the classroom. This title contains standalone content that will guide parents and educators on their journey, including steps for creating a student support plan"--
Trans children in today's schools - Aidan Key
Does the Americans with Disabilities Act cover gender dysphoria?
Does the Americans with Disabilities Act cover gender dysphoria?
The Relist Watch column examines cert petitions that the Supreme Court has “relisted” for its upcoming conference. A short explanation of relists is available here.The Supreme Court will be cons
Does the Americans with Disabilities Act cover gender dysphoria?
Uncompromised : the Lupe Anguiano story - Nada Prouty
Uncompromised : the Lupe Anguiano story - Nada Prouty
"From humble but proud origins picking fruit with her family to her success in helping thousands of Americans rise out of poverty and the chains of welfare...An American story rich with humor, irony and surprises -- the story of Lupe Anguiano reveals her loves, sacrifices, victories, failures and deepest thoughts. This is the untold personal life story of courage and heroism and a back-stage look at the people and events that define the 20th century. Through her untiring dedication to her beliefs, Lupe was able to realize her most successful achievement... Welfare Reform. She believed that welfare was a trap and disrespectful of women. Lupe gained national media recognition including a feature on "60 Minutes" and received the support of several presidents for her groundbreaking work in welfare reform that spread throughout the United States. Her solution to welfare reform is still relevant today"--Book announcement website
Uncompromised : the Lupe Anguiano story - Nada Prouty
Safiya Noble | Challenging the Algorithms of Oppression
Safiya Noble | Challenging the Algorithms of Oppression
Safiya Noble is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Studies in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. In her P...
Safiya Noble | Challenging the Algorithms of Oppression
Gender Reveal is a podcast that features nonbinary, genderqueer, transgender, and queer artists, activists, and educators.
Majority of Women Lawyers in BigLaw Would NOT Recommend Legal Careers to Their Daughters
Majority of Women Lawyers in BigLaw Would NOT Recommend Legal Careers to Their Daughters
According to a recent survey conducted by legal intelligence provider Leopard Solutions, work-life balance remains a significant issue for women lawyers working in BigLaw. The survey, which gathered responses from nearly 200 women attorneys, revealed that over 80% of participants identified better work-life balance as the most compelling reason to leave their BigLaw firms. The […]
Majority of Women Lawyers in BigLaw Would NOT Recommend Legal Careers to Their Daughters
Zooey Zephyr, Montana’s First Trans Lawmaker, Speaks Out After Being Banned & Silenced by Republicans
Zooey Zephyr, Montana’s First Trans Lawmaker, Speaks Out After Being Banned & Silenced by Republicans
The Republican-controlled Montana House of Representatives voted Wednesday to censure the state’s first and only openly transgender lawmaker, Zooey Zephyr, banning her from the House floor and forbidding her from speaking, a week after Zephyr delivered a searing condemnation of a bill that would ban gender-affirming healthcare for youth. Zephyr will only be able to cast votes remotely for the remainder of the legislative session. We speak to Zephyr about the spate of anti-trans bills that target trans youth across the country and how “far-right” legislatures like Montana’s are attempting to “silence those who are holding them accountable.”
Zooey Zephyr, Montana’s First Trans Lawmaker, Speaks Out After Being Banned & Silenced by Republicans
Oklahoma governor signs gender-affirming care ban for kids
Oklahoma governor signs gender-affirming care ban for kids
Oklahoma is the latest state to ban gender-affirming medical care for minors. Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill Monday that makes it a felony for health care workers to provide children with treatments that can include puberty-blocking drugs and hormones. Oklahoma joins at least 15 other states with laws banning such care, as conservatives across the country have targeted transgender rights. Stitt made the ban a priority of this year’s legislative session, saying he wanted to protect children. Transgender advocates and parents of transgender children say such care is essential.
Oklahoma governor signs gender-affirming care ban for kids
Justice Department Challenges Tennessee Law that Bans Critical, Medically Necessary Care for Transgender Youth
Justice Department Challenges Tennessee Law that Bans Critical, Medically Necessary Care for Transgender Youth
The Justice Department today filed a complaint challenging Tennessee Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), a recently enacted law that denies necessary medical care to youth based solely on who they are. The complaint alleges that SB 1’s ban on providing certain medically necessary care to transgender minors violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. The department is also asking the court to issue an immediate order to prevent the law from going into effect on July 1, 2023.
Justice Department Challenges Tennessee Law that Bans Critical, Medically Necessary Care for Transgender Youth
Montana transgender lawmaker faces censure or expulsion
Montana transgender lawmaker faces censure or expulsion
Montana Republican leaders will vote on censuring or expelling a transgender state lawmaker who has been silenced in the House for comments against a bill to ban gender-affirming medical care for children. On Tuesday night, Democratic, Rep. Zooey Zephyr tweeted a letter she received from House leaders informing her of the plan to consider disciplinary action against against her on Wednesday. She says she will be given a chance to speak. A protest against Zephyr being silenced disrupted the House floor session on Monday and she stood defiantly on the floor with her microphone raised. The House won't be disrupted on Wednesday because the gallery will be closed.
Montana transgender lawmaker faces censure or expulsion
Kee Sam: Black Trans Woman is The 27th Known Transgender Person to Be Violently Killed in the U.S. This Year
Kee Sam: Black Trans Woman is The 27th Known Transgender Person to Be Violently Killed in the U.S. This Year
The North Star has dropped its paywall during this COVID-19 crisis so that pertinent information and analysis is available to everyone during this time. This is only possible because of the generous support of our members. We rely on these funds to pay our staff to continue to provide high-quality content. If you are able to support, we invite you to do…
Kee Sam: Black Trans Woman is The 27th Known Transgender Person to Be Violently Killed in the U.S. This Year