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ALA Launches ‘Show Up for Our Libraries’ Campaign - Public Libraries Online
ALA Launches ‘Show Up for Our Libraries’ Campaign - Public Libraries Online
We must face whatever threats come our way by showing up together—library workers and public supporters in our communities—to advocate for our patrons, our profession, and our core values.
ALA Launches ‘Show Up for Our Libraries’ Campaign - Public Libraries Online
Discover the latest information agitators in our blog, recorded zoom meetings, and antiracist books at Librarians With Spines.
Dyslexie Font - An award winning Dyslexia font
Dyslexie Font - An award winning Dyslexia font
Being challenged by dyslexia? Dyslexie font motivates you to start reading more. With the innovative tools, we clear the way through the letter jungle.
Dyslexie Font - An award winning Dyslexia font
The EDUCAUSE Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The EDUCAUSE Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
EDUCAUSE is committed to enabling sustained growth in DEI, both internally as an association and for you, our community of IT and technology professio
The EDUCAUSE Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Homepage | AAC&U
Homepage | AAC&U
A VOICE AND A FORCE FOR LIBERAL EDUCATION. AAC&U advances the vitality and democratic purposes of undergraduate liberal education.
Homepage | AAC&U
ACRL Speaks Out
ACRL Speaks Out
To increase ACRL's visibility and influence in the arena of higher education policy development, legislation, and best practices, ACRL speaks out on important issues. Below are examples of ACRL's participation in activities geared towards creating change. ACRL is active in advocating for policy and legislation through the ALA Washington Office, as well as through coalition work with groups such as the Open Access Working Group and the Library Copyright Alliance (LCA) for joint work with ALA and ARL on copyright issues such as fair use, trade agreements, and Google Book Search settlement.To increase ACRL's visibility and influence in the arena of higher education policy development and legislation and in support of its commitment to work towards reshaping the system of scholarly communications, ACRL speaks out on important issues. Below are examples of ACRL's participation in activities geared towards creating change.
ACRL Speaks Out
ACRL Supports APALA and ALA in Condemning Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
ACRL Supports APALA and ALA in Condemning Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
ACRL stands in solidarity with the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA) and amplifies ALA’s Executive Board in recognizing and condemning anti-Asian hate crimes. ACRL affirms APALA’s March 3, 2021, statement which noted that the association “recognizes and strongly condemns the rise
ACRL Supports APALA and ALA in Condemning Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
Public Library Association (PLA) releases refresh of strategic goals, positioning Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice (EDISJ) at center
Public Library Association (PLA) releases refresh of strategic goals, positioning Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice (EDISJ) at center
CHICAGO — The Public Library Association (PLA) Strategic Plan 2022—2026 is now available on the PLA website, following its unanimous approval by the PLA Board of Directors in June 2022. Informed by member surveys, member and partner interviews, and PLA leadership and staff engagements, the PLA strategic plan centers Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (EDISJ) and expands PLA’s role as a platform for innovation and amplifier for sharing public library community impacts. The PLA Board of Directors began the process of updating the strategic plan in 2021.
Public Library Association (PLA) releases refresh of strategic goals, positioning Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice (EDISJ) at center
Collection Development Resources on the Web
Collection Development Resources on the Web
This collection of resources is designed to be of use both to new collection development librarians as well as those … "Collection Development Resources on the Web"
Collection Development Resources on the Web
Home - National Digital Inclusion Alliance
Home - National Digital Inclusion Alliance
A unified voice for home broadband access, public broadband access, personal devices, and local technology training and support programs. A community of digital inclusion practitioners and advocates.
Home - National Digital Inclusion Alliance
Race & Social Justice - Solid Ground
Race & Social Justice - Solid Ground
Why we’re dedicated to race and social justice Over half of the people Solid Ground serves are people of color. Many face challenges as a direct result of institutional racism: housing discrimination, benefits denial, predatory lending, employment barriers, and disparities in the education and criminal justice systems. Simply put: we can’t be an effective anti-poverty
Race & Social Justice - Solid Ground
American Library Association Condemns Ongoing Threats Against Libraries
American Library Association Condemns Ongoing Threats Against Libraries
CHICAGO - The American Library Association (ALA) condemns—in the strongest terms possible—the violence, threats of violence and other acts of intimidation that are increasingly taking place in America’s libraries, including last week’s bomb threats to Hilton Central District Schools in New York, which put the lives of hundreds of innocent children and staff members in jeopardy.
American Library Association Condemns Ongoing Threats Against Libraries
Disability Justice
Disability Justice
An online resource for legal professionals, continuing legal education courses, law schools, students and others dedicated to protecting the rights of people with developmental disabilities.
Disability Justice
DEI Consulting Practice
DEI Consulting Practice
DEI Consulting Practice brings the LGBTQ+ Bar's unique expertise to your law firm, law school, or company in order to help you foster a most supportive, welcoming, and knowledgeable LGBTQ+-inclusive environment.
DEI Consulting Practice
Society of American Archivists
Society of American Archivists
Founded in 1936, the Society of American Archivists is North America's oldest and largest national professional association dedicated to the needs and interests of archives and archivists. SAA represents more than 6,200 professional archivists employed by governments, universities, businesses, libraries, and historical organizations nationally.
Society of American Archivists
America & Moore, LLC
America & Moore, LLC
Diversity, Leadership and Education Workshops, Training and Keynotes.
America & Moore, LLC