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KNOW THE LAND — Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group
KNOW THE LAND — Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group
WHAT IS A LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT? A Land Acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories.
KNOW THE LAND — Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group
Territory Acknowledgement - Native-Land.ca
Territory Acknowledgement - Native-Land.ca
Thanks to Allison Jones and others for putting this together! Please note: this is NOT a perfect resource! It is very likely that if you do not do any further research or verify our results, you will err in your acknowledgements. We recommend contacting the nations you get in your results directly, to learn more about […]
Territory Acknowledgement - Native-Land.ca
The American Indian College Fund | Education is the Answer
The American Indian College Fund | Education is the Answer
The American Indian College Fund provides scholarships and support for Native American students and tribal colleges and universities, and also supports programs for institutional growth and sustainability and cultural preservation.
The American Indian College Fund | Education is the Answer
Indian Land Tenure Foundation
Indian Land Tenure Foundation
The Indian Land Tenure Foundation (ILTF) is a national, community-based organization serving American Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands. We work to promote education, increase cultural awareness, create economic opportunity, and reform the legal and administrative systems that prevent Indian people from owning and controlling reservation lands.
Indian Land Tenure Foundation
Protecting Native American Voting Rights
Protecting Native American Voting Rights
Across America, it is altogether too hard for Native Americans to vote. They often must go off-reservation and travel outrageous distances to reach voting services. Many do not have home addresses or mail delivery, making registering and receiving a ballot difficult, if not impossible. Native Americans still face racial discrimination and hostilities when casting their ballots. NARF, in collaboration with Native American advocates across the country, have extensively documented these barriers and are fighting every day against this discrimination.
Protecting Native American Voting Rights
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 15, 2023 Contact: Nizhoni Begay communications@waterprotectorlegal.org Today, the Supreme Court upheld the Indian Child Welfare Act in a 7-2 landmark decision in Brackeen v. Haaland. The court rejects all of the challenges raised by petitioners to the Indian Child Welfare Act, "some on the merits and others for lack of standing." The opinion prevents states from removing Native children from their homes, writing “Texas therefore does not have standing to bring either i
Stop Line 3
Stop Line 3
Join us to #StopLine3 from desecrating our lakes, wild rice, and Anishinaabeg treaty territories.
Stop Line 3
Reclaiming Native Truth
Reclaiming Native Truth
Reclaiming Native Truth is a national effort to foster cultural, social and policy change by empowering Native Americans to counter discrimination, invisibility and the dominant narratives that limit Native opportunity, access to justice, health and self-determination. Reclaiming Native Truth’s goal is to move hearts and minds toward greater respect, inclusion and social justice for Native Americans.
Reclaiming Native Truth
Water Protectors File Appeal in Dundon v. Kirchmeier Standing Rock Civil Rights Class Action
Water Protectors File Appeal in Dundon v. Kirchmeier Standing Rock Civil Rights Class Action
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 22, 2022 Contact: Rachel Lederman or Natali Segovia, Water Protector Legal Collective defense@waterprotectorlegal.org Earth Day this year marks an important day for Water Protectors who are still seeking accountability from Morton County and law enforcement for mass human rights violations committed over five years ago at Standing Rock. Today, Water Protectors filed an appeal in the Dundon v. Kirchmeier civil rights case. Dundon v. Kirchmeier is a federal civil rights
Water Protectors File Appeal in Dundon v. Kirchmeier Standing Rock Civil Rights Class Action
Related Organizations Series: Indigenous Peoples Law
Related Organizations Series: Indigenous Peoples Law
This is the second in a series of posts introducing readers to various organizations, conferences, and/or listservs, relevant to the FCIL-SIS Interest Groups. The series seeks to increase awareness…
Related Organizations Series: Indigenous Peoples Law
Equal Rights Amendment
Equal Rights Amendment
Winston & Strawn strongly supports the effort to secure equal rights for women through ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Equal Rights Amendment
Why It Matters - Native-Land.ca
Why It Matters - Native-Land.ca
Our Mission Native Land Digital strives to create and foster conversations about the history of colonialism, Indigenous ways of knowing, and settler-Indigenous relations, through educational resources such as our map and Territory Acknowledgement Guide. We strive to go beyond old ways of talking about Indigenous people and to develop a platform where Indigenous communities can […]
Why It Matters - Native-Land.ca
Sovereignty matters. Native Governance Center
Sovereignty matters. Native Governance Center
Native Governance Center is a Native-led nonprofit working to strengthen Native nations’ sovereignty in Mni Sota Makoce, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
Sovereignty matters. Native Governance Center
Global Indigenous Data Alliance
Global Indigenous Data Alliance
GIDA Global Indigenous Data Alliance Promoting Indigenous Control of Indigenous Data
Global Indigenous Data Alliance
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Environmental Network
he Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), is an alliance of grassroots indigenous peoples whose mission is to protect the sacredness of Mother Earth from contamination and exploitation by strengthening maintaining and respecting the traditional teachings and the natural laws. Established in 1990 within the United States, IEN was formed by grassroots Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues (EJ). IEN’s activities include building the capacity of Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.IEN accomplishes this by maintaining an informational clearinghouse, organizing campaigns, direct actions and public awareness, building the capacity of community and tribes to address EJ issues, development of initiatives to impact policy, and building alliances among Indigenous communities, tribes, inter-tribal and Indigenous organizations, people-of-color/ethnic organizations, faith-based and women groups, youth, labor, environmental organizations and others. IEN convenes local, regional and national meetings on environmental and economic justice issues, and provides support, resources and referral to Indigenous communities and youth throughout primarily North America – and in recent years – globally.
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations | WECAN International
Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations | WECAN International
The central goal of Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegations is to provide a platform for Indigenous women leaders to meet face-to-face with representatives of European and U.S. financial institutions...
Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations | WECAN International
No Dakota Access Pipeline
No Dakota Access Pipeline
Archive of NoDAPL Standing Rock Water Protector actions, videos, articles, photos, music, etc. to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2016
No Dakota Access Pipeline