US Archivist’s Refusal to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment Contradicts Legal Authority and Public Will - Equality Now
US Archivist’s Refusal to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment Contradicts Legal Authority and Public Will - Equality Now
On December 17, 2024, the Archivist of the United States, Dr. Colleen Shogan, and Deputy Archivist, William J. Bosanko, issued a public statement refusing to publish the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), following pleas in favor of publication of the ERA from Congress members and women’s rights activists, and over 100 years of collective advocacy.  The […]
US Archivist’s Refusal to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment Contradicts Legal Authority and Public Will - Equality Now
Arizona Health Care Providers File Lawsuit Challenging Abortion Ban and Resume Providing Care Across the State | American Civil Liberties Union
Arizona Health Care Providers File Lawsuit Challenging Abortion Ban and Resume Providing Care Across the State | American Civil Liberties Union
PHOENIX — Arizona health care providers filed a lawsuit today challenging a ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, which is in violation of the...
Arizona Health Care Providers File Lawsuit Challenging Abortion Ban and Resume Providing Care Across the State | American Civil Liberties Union
Tucson Abortion Support Collective
Tucson Abortion Support Collective

We are a Tucson-based collective supporting people in Arizona seeking abortion care. We help eliminate barriers and provide compassionate and inclusive support to anyone who wants an abortion. We are attentive to the fact that queer and trans folks, people of color, and other marginalized communities often face additional barriers. We seek to meet each person where they are to provide informative, compassionate, and inclusive care.

We are a Tucson-based collective supporting people in Arizona seeking abortion care. We help eliminate barriers and provide compassionate and inclusive support to anyone who wants an abortion. We are attentive to the fact that queer and trans folks, people of color, and other marginalized communities often face additional barriers. We seek to meet each person where they are to provide informative, compassionate, and inclusive care.
Tucson Abortion Support Collective
The Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline 1-833-246-2632
The Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline 1-833-246-2632
Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline provides anonymous 24/7 abortion helpline support (call or text) and medical information to people having an abortion at home.
The Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline 1-833-246-2632
Gender-based Violence
Gender-based Violence
Gender-Based violence refers to harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender. It is rooted in gender inequality, the abuse of power and
Gender-based Violence
What is gender-based violence?
What is gender-based violence?
Gender-based violence is a phenomenon deeply rooted in gender inequality, and continues to be one of the most notable human rights violations within all societies. Gender-based violence is violence directed against a person because of their gender.
What is gender-based violence?
Gender-based violence in emergencies
Gender-based violence in emergencies
Gender-based violence reaches every corner of the globe. In emergency settings, GBV soars.
Gender-based violence in emergencies
Series: What Does That Mean? Gender-based Violence | Women for Women International
Series: What Does That Mean? Gender-based Violence | Women for Women International
At Women for Women International we use a lot of field based vocabulary that often has a much deeper meaning and greater implications than a simple definition. In this series, we will be addressing some of these terms in the hopes of giving YOU the tools you need to have conversations about women’s empowerment and gender equality. In this blog, we’ll be discussing gender-based violence.
Series: What Does That Mean? Gender-based Violence | Women for Women International
Gender-Based Violence and Violence Against Women - CARE
Gender-Based Violence and Violence Against Women - CARE
Gender-based violence can take the form of partner relationship violence, child marriage, and more. CARE works to stop violence against women.
Gender-Based Violence and Violence Against Women - CARE
Types of Gender-Based Violence - Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence Website
Types of Gender-Based Violence - Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence Website
The term gender-based violence reflects the idea that violence often serves to maintain structural gender inequalities, and includes the victimization of women, girls, men, boys, adolescents, and lesbian, gay, transgender, and gender non-conforming people. Gender-based violence is largely male-patterned violence and influences or is influenced by gender relations. Relationships are complex, and love, affection, and commitment can still be part of relationships despite the violence. Sometimes, these positive elements are the foundation for change. Women and other survivors seek help to reclaim their power, by breaking their isolation to seek support, escape the abuse, and find ways to keep themselves and their children safe. Abusers struggle to change, couples try to restore balance and equality, friends and family step in: these and other struggles strengthen our collective hopes for violence-free lives.
Types of Gender-Based Violence - Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence Website
State Attacks on Sexual and Reproductive Health
State Attacks on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Anti-reproductive health politicians are attacking access to birth control, abortion, sex education, and more at the state and local levels.
State Attacks on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Arizona - Center for Reproductive Rights
Arizona - Center for Reproductive Rights
Restrictions On October 7, 2022, the Arizona Court of Appeals enjoined enforcement of the state’s pre-Roe ban, which prohibits almost all abortions with a very limited life exception,[1]Ariz. Rev. Stat. §§ 13-3603, 13-3605; Nelson v. Planned Parenthood Center of Tucson, 19 Ariz. App. 142, 505 P.2d 580 (1973), rev’d Planned Parenthood v. Brnovich, No. C127867 […]
Arizona - Center for Reproductive Rights
The following are restrictions on abortion by Arizona's state government, many of which place undue burden on patients seeking help.
Sex workers at risk: A research summary on human rights abuses against sex workers - Amnesty International
Sex workers at risk: A research summary on human rights abuses against sex workers - Amnesty International
This summary report provides an overview of the key research findings, highlighting the range and extent of human rights abuses and violations suffered by sex workers. It shows how sex workers face stigma and marginalization, physical and sexual violence, barriers to protection from violence and crime, extortion and coercive police measures, and obstacles to securing […]
Sex workers at risk: A research summary on human rights abuses against sex workers - Amnesty International
Amnesty International policy on state obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of sex workers - Amnesty International
Amnesty International policy on state obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of sex workers - Amnesty International
This policy has been developed in recognition of the high rates of human rights abuses experienced globally by individuals who engage in sex work; a term that Amnesty International uses only in regard to consensual exchanges between adults. It identifies the most prominent barriers to the realization of sex workers’ human rights and underlines states’ […]
Amnesty International policy on state obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of sex workers - Amnesty International
Exploitation Intervention Project - The Legal Aid Society
Exploitation Intervention Project - The Legal Aid Society
The Exploitation Intervention Project is the first effort by a public defender office to address the systemic criminalization of victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Exploitation Intervention Project - The Legal Aid Society
No Simple Solutions: State Violence and the Sex Trades
No Simple Solutions: State Violence and the Sex Trades
A response posted by an INCITE! affiliate and collective of radical women  of color, queer people of color, and Indigenous people who identify as people in the sex trades. As a collective of radica…
No Simple Solutions: State Violence and the Sex Trades
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
Welcome to the new and improved SWOP-USA website! We're going through many changes as an organization and a digital overhaul is part of that. You'll find an entirely new resource section, our Chapter Hub site has moved here, and we'll also
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
Sex Workers’ Pop-Up
Sex Workers’ Pop-Up
Through artwork and performances, this pop-up exhibit asks visitors to listen to the voices of sex workers, and reflect on how society defines work.
Sex Workers’ Pop-Up
Why Sex Work Should Be Decriminalized | Human Rights Watch
Why Sex Work Should Be Decriminalized | Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch has conducted research on sex work around the world, including in Cambodia, China, Tanzania, the United States, and most recently, South Africa. The research, including extensive consultations with sex workers and organizations that work on the issue, has shaped the Human Rights Watch policy on sex work: Human Rights Watch supports the full decriminalization of consensual adult sex work.
Why Sex Work Should Be Decriminalized | Human Rights Watch