Transgender Map
This free website shows how to make a gender transition.
It tells about gender identity and gender expression, as well as the social, legal, and medical ways to make a transgender transition.
It has lists of people who can help. You can learn how to pay for transition.
There is also help for young people and their families.
Welcome to Trans Spectrum of Arizona | Trans Spectrum of Arizona
Providing support and resources to the trans community and their allies.
Trans Health - Health and Fitness for Transgender People
Online since 2001, is a comprehensive collection of health-related articles, many of which have been referenced in academic publications.
FOLX is a nationwide healthcare provider for the LGBTQIA+ community. We deliver affirming and joyful care that celebrates your identity and honors your choices.
All Are Welcome - The Sexual Orientation and Gender Institute Of Arizona | Sexual Orientation and Gender Institute of AZ
Welcome To The Sexual Orientation & Gender Institute Of Arizona (SOGIA), A Comprehensive Behavioral/mental Health Center Dedicated To Meeting The Needs Of The Arizona LGBTQIA+ Community. Dr. Josh Kellison Phd And His Team Are Looking Forward To Meeting You Soon. Schedule A Consultation - Call 480-780-0278 Today!