This free website shows how to make a gender transition.
It tells about gender identity and gender expression, as well as the social, legal, and medical ways to make a transgender transition.
It has lists of people who can help. You can learn how to pay for transition.
There is also help for young people and their families.
Trans Health - Health and Fitness for Transgender People
Online since 2001, is a comprehensive collection of health-related articles, many of which have been referenced in academic publications.
FOLX is a nationwide healthcare provider for the LGBTQIA+ community. We deliver affirming and joyful care that celebrates your identity and honors your choices.
All Are Welcome - The Sexual Orientation and Gender Institute Of Arizona | Sexual Orientation and Gender Institute of AZ
Welcome To The Sexual Orientation & Gender Institute Of Arizona (SOGIA), A Comprehensive Behavioral/mental Health Center Dedicated To Meeting The Needs Of The Arizona LGBTQIA+ Community. Dr. Josh Kellison Phd And His Team Are Looking Forward To Meeting You Soon. Schedule A Consultation - Call 480-780-0278 Today!
Transgender individuals and communities experience shocking amounts of violence and discrimination. This section offers some information on the staggering rates of violence that trans and non-binary people face, although it should be noted that data is limited. In addition to experiencing high rates of domestic and sexual violence, trans and non-binary people are often the targets of transphobic hate crimes and state violence. As always, listening to and believing survivors is critical.
Transgender people face extraordinary levels of physical and sexual violence, whether on the streets, at school or work, at home, or at the hands of government officials. More than one in four trans people has faced a bias-driven assault, and rates are higher for trans women and trans people of color. NCTE is working with anti-violence groups, women’s rights groups, racial justice groups, and federal and state law enforcement agencies to combat anti-trans violence. This effort cannot be limited to just Transgender Day of Remembrance. Public education, policy change and community efforts are needed to address the complex causes of anti-trans violence and ensure victims can receive support.
BTAC is the only national non-profit organization lead by black trans people working to collectively address inequities faced by black transgender people.
GATE campaigns globally for trans,gender diverse and intersex equality GATE is an international advocacy organization working towards justice and equality for trans, gender diverse and intersex communities. Rooted in our movements, we work collaboratively with strategic partners at the global level to provide knowledge, resources and access to UN mechanisms and bodies. We give voice toGlobal Action for Trans Equality
Callen-Lorde provides an affirming environment where patients can receive hormone therapy as well as engage in an ongoing relationship with a primary care provider and/or a mental health provider to […]
Secrecy and ignorance fuel the discrimination intersex people face throughout the world. This explainer provides answers to some common questions—and information about the movement to secure intersex people’s rights.
Know Your Rights: A Guide for Trans and Gender Nonconforming Students
Transgender and gender nonconforming students have the right to be safe and to be yourself at school. That is why the American Civil Liberties Union and GLSEN have put together this guide to inform
Intersex people are born with sex characteristics (including genitals, gonads and chromosome patterns) that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies. Experts estimate that up to 1.7 percent of the population are born with intersex traits. In recent years, awareness of intersex people, and recognition of the specific human rights abuses that they face, has grown, thanks to the work of intersex human rights defenders. Human rights abuses against intersex people include, but are not limited to:
The National Center for Transgender Equality is the nation’s leading social justice advocacy organization winning life-saving change for transgender people.
Transgender Law Center (TLC) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating for a world in which all people are free to define themselves and their futures. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.
Equality Arizona is a nonprofit organization that works to ensure that LGBTQ+ Arizonans are treated equally under the law, our full human and civil rights are respected by every level of government, and we have the same rights and obligations as every other citizen of our state and nation.
GLSEN Arizona believes that every student has the right to a safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education. We are a local chapter of a national network of educators and students working to make this right a reality. Learn more about who we are and how to get involved with our mission.