English manual for webWhat if I’m Picked Up By I.C.E. in Arizona?: Making a Family Plan - Center on Immigration and Child Welfare
The best thing you can do to make sure your family stays together is to have information and be prepared! This guide is designed to help you do this. It was prepared by a small group of volunteer lawyers, advocates, and family law experts who work with immigrant clients in Arizona.
Justice for Immigrants – United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Creating a world where immigrants, refugees, and other people on the move are treated with dignity, respect, and welcome.
Creating a world where immigrants, refugees, migrants, and people on the move are treated with dignity, respect, welcome and belonging.
About Justice for Immigrants
The JFI campaign’s primary
U.S. immigration law is very complex, and there is much confusion as to how it works. This fact sheet provides basic information about how the U.S. legal immigration system is designed.
What is Alianza Americas?
Alianza Americas is a network of migrant-led organizations working in the United States and transnationally to create an inclusive, equitable and sustainable way of life for communities across North, Central and South America.
The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies defends the human rights of courageous refugees seeking asylum in the United States. With strategic focus and unparalleled legal expertise, CGRS champions the most challenging cases, fights for due process, and promotes policies that deliver safety and justice for refugees.
CHIRLA - The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights
The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) was founded in 1986. CHIRLA is a California leader with national impact made of diverse immigrant families and individuals who act as agents of social change to achieve a world with freedom of mobility, full human rights, and true participatory democracy. CHIRLA’s mission is to chieve a just society fully inclusive of immigrants.
In their absence, tens of thousands of families across the United States and Latin America are left with the agonizing uncertainty of not knowing what has happened to their loved ones. In addition to the emotional trauma they face each day, families are denied truth and justice. The consequences of border deaths and disappearances are felt throughout the Americas: families living in 14 countries and in 43 states across the U.S. have reported disappeared relatives to Colibrí.
Colibrí and families of the disappeared — along with medical examiners and other human rights organizations — refuse to let these lives be forgotten. Overcoming enormous challenges to identify the dead, together we search for answers, demand justice, and reunite families with their loved ones — important, unique, and irreplaceable human beings.
Immigration | Country Page | World | Human Rights Watch
The US Program’s immigration work focuses on reforming harsh, outdated, and ineffective detention and deportation policies to ensure they take into account family unity, flight from persecution, and labor considerations that draw immigrants to the United States. We have exposed the crimes and unsafe working conditions that unauthorized immigrants are too afraid to report out of fear of being deported, the risks of violence back home for those denied due process to seek protection from US deportation, and the devastating impact on millions of people—citizens as well as non-citizens—whose families are torn apart due to inflexible and unfair immigration policies.
Potential immigrants to the US from Nazi-occupied territory faced many obstacles, including restrictive quotas and complicated requirements for obtaining visas.
Informed Immigrant connects the undocumented immigrant community and service providers with the information and resources they need to become empowered in our current political environment.
Know Your Rights | Immigrants' Rights | American Civil Liberties Union
Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Learn more here about your rights as an immigrant, and how to express them.
Mission: The nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute seeks to improve immigration and integration policies through authoritative research and analysis, opportunities for learning and dialogue, and the development of new ideas to address complex policy questions.
Tomas Ayuso’s The Right to Grow Old, highlights the drivers and consequences of migration from Honduras, through and within Mexico, and to the United States, and explores its impact on the lives and identity of Hondurans.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people. Visit our website and find out how you can support us.