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Curating for data rescue - Data Curation Network
Curating for data rescue - Data Curation Network
This recent federal agency changes and confusion over access to federally funded research, including the removal of access to data, alteration of existing datasets, and the removal and alteration of documentation, reaffirms the Data Curation Network’s dedication to data curation and preservation. We are grateful for the time and energy of our colleagues across the...
Curating for data rescue - Data Curation Network
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
The American Library Association responds to the Department of Education's dismissal of complaints about censorship and discrimination: the "effort to terminate protections... advances the demonstrably false claim that book bans are not real."
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Every library — academic, public, and school (public, private, charter, independent, and international) — should have a comprehensive written policy that guides the selection, deselection or weeding, and reconsideration of library resources. The most valuable selection policy is current; it is reviewed and revised on a regular basis; and it is familiar to all members of a library’s staff. The policy should be approved by the library’s governing board or other policy-making body and disseminated widely for understanding by all stakeholders.
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has released new data documenting book challenges throughout the United States, finding that challenges were nearly double that of 2021, reaching the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago.
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
students deserve a seat at the table... SEAT is a progressive movement committed to organizing power among a network of young people. We are developing transferable skills and demonstrating youth visibility in traditionally adult-dominated fields of policymaking
ALA calls for national day of action to protect the freedom to read, designates Right to Read Monday for 2023 National Library Week
ALA calls for national day of action to protect the freedom to read, designates Right to Read Monday for 2023 National Library Week
Unite Against Book Bans virtual event to honor a lifetime of free expression through story CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) today announced a national day of action to protect libraries and the freedom to read, designating April 24, the Monday of National Library Week, as Right to Read Day. Right to Read Day also marks the first anniversary of the ALA-founded Unite Against Book Bans campaign, a public-facing advocacy initiative to empower readers everywhere to stand together in the fight against censorship.
ALA calls for national day of action to protect the freedom to read, designates Right to Read Monday for 2023 National Library Week
American Library Association reports record number of demands to censor library books and materials in 2022
American Library Association reports record number of demands to censor library books and materials in 2022
Book Challenges Nearly Doubled From 2021 CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) today released new data documenting* 1,269 demands to censor library books and resources in 2022, the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago. The unparalleled number of reported book challenges in 2022 nearly doubles the 729 challenges reported in 2021. A record 2,571 unique titles were targeted for censorship, a 38% increase from the 1,858 unique titles targeted for censorship in 2021.
American Library Association reports record number of demands to censor library books and materials in 2022
Where to Find Real History in the Anti-CRT Era
Where to Find Real History in the Anti-CRT Era
See Cult of Pedagogy's list of resources to aid educators in teaching accurate and inclusive history in an era of book banning and censorship.
Where to Find Real History in the Anti-CRT Era
America's Censored Classrooms
America's Censored Classrooms
This year, proposed educational gag orders have increased 250 percent compared to 2021.
America's Censored Classrooms
Protect Trans Rights in Every State · Movement ·
Protect Trans Rights in Every State · Movement ·
This is an emergency. Across the country, from North Carolina to Mississippi to Alaska, LGBT rights are under attack. One by one, extremists in state legislatures are lining up to slash LGBT discrimination protections and cruelly scapegoat transgender people. These are the most dangerous efforts we’ve seen in years. It’s hate that animated the North Carolina legislature and Governor Pat McCrory to establish the worst anti-LGBT law in the country. It’s hate that is motivating Tennessee legislators to threaten parents of transgender students. Hate moved South Dakota lawmakers to try to lead the nation in anti-transgender discrimination. Hate drove Mississippi’s elected officials late Wednesday night to pass a severe anti-LGBT and anti-woman bill. But as we’ve seen so many times in our recent past, hate is no match for love. Love is what moved Thomas Lewis, a transgender student in South Dakota, to face down his governor and demand to be seen as human. Love is what’s activating Gretchen Peters, a Nashville music star and mother of a transgender child, to raise her voice in the service of protecting Tennessee’s youth. Love is driving Lara Americo, a transgender woman in North Carolina, to rally activists in her state to fight back against elected officials who took all of 12 hours to decide that her life matters less. With your support, we swayed South Dakota’s governor to veto what would have been the country’s first explicitly anti-transgender law. We saw the governors of Georgia and Virginia neutralize their states’ attempts to legalize anti-LGBT discrimination in the guide of religious exemptions. We can win. With your help, we will win.
Protect Trans Rights in Every State · Movement ·
Voting Resources
Voting Resources
Last updated: May 23, 2022 AALL has gathered voting resources for our members, including information about registering to vote, finding … "Voting Resources"
Voting Resources
HIAS - Welcome the stranger. Protect the refugee.
HIAS - Welcome the stranger. Protect the refugee.
HIAS is the international Jewish humanitarian organization that stands for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and opportunity. Together we can create it. Join us at
HIAS - Welcome the stranger. Protect the refugee.
Human Rights First
Human Rights First
Righting Human Wrongs
Human Rights First
Grassroots Struggles. Strategy for Liberation.
Home - Ethical photography for social change | PhotoVoice
Home - Ethical photography for social change | PhotoVoice
PhotoVoice is a UK charity that uses ethical photography to promote positive social change. We also provide photography training and consultancy.
Home - Ethical photography for social change | PhotoVoice
The Praxis Project
The Praxis Project
The Praxis Project is a movement support intermediary committed to capacity building for social change. Our emphasis is on developing fields of work in ways that encourage multi-level, trans-disciplinary learning and collaboration across issues, across the country, and across the globe.
The Praxis Project