Gender-Based Violence & Femicide

"#sex crime laws" "#sexual abuse"
Sex, consent and justice : a new feminist framework - Tina Sikka
Sex, consent and justice : a new feminist framework - Tina Sikka
Increasingly fraught debates about sex, consent, feminism, justice, law, and gender relations have taken centre stage in academic, journalistic and social media circles in recent years. This has resulted in myriad new theories, debates and mediated movements including #MeToo and #TimesUp. In this book, Tina Sikka explores many of the contradictions and tensions that make up these debates and movements. She looks at those that draw together contemporary understandings of justice, violence, consent, pleasure and desire.
Sex, consent and justice : a new feminist framework - Tina Sikka
Jeffrey Epstein: 12 women sue FBI over alleged failure to protect them from Epstein’s sexual abuse | CNN
Jeffrey Epstein: 12 women sue FBI over alleged failure to protect them from Epstein’s sexual abuse | CNN
The FBI’s “repeated and continued failures, delays and inaction” allowed Jeffrey Epstein to continue his sex trafficking operation for more than 20 years, twelve alleged victims claimed in a lawsuit filed Wednesday.
Jeffrey Epstein: 12 women sue FBI over alleged failure to protect them from Epstein’s sexual abuse | CNN