Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative Investigative Report
On June 22, 2021, you issued a memorandum directing Department of the Interior (Department)
agencies to coordinate an investigation into the Federal Indian boarding school system to
examine the scope of the system, with a focus on the location of schools, burial sites, and
identification of children who attended the schools. You also directed that I submit a report of
our investigation by April 1, 2022.
In accordance with your direction, I am submitting to you the first Federal Indian Boarding
School Initiative Investigative Report.
This report shows for the first time that between 1819 and 1969, the United States operated or
supported 408 boarding schools across 37 states (or then-territories), including 21 schools in
Alaska and 7 schools in Hawaii. This report identifies each of those schools by name and
location, some of which operated across multiple sites.
This report confirms that the United States directly targeted American Indian, Alaska Native, and
Native Hawaiian children in the pursuit of a policy of cultural assimilation that coincided with
Indian territorial dispossession. It identifies the Federal Indian boarding schools that were used
as a means for these ends, along with at least 53 burial sites for children across this system- with
more site discoveries and data expected as we continue our research...