Language and Definitions
EDUCAUSE Inclusive Language Guide
EDUCAUSE Inclusive Language Guide Version: 1.4 Date: Last updated February 17, 2022 Language embodies values and perspectives, some of which are rooted in systems that discriminate against certain groups of people. Over time, specific terms and ways of using language become established parts of ...
‘Words matter’: Why the UC Berkeley Library is embracing another term for ‘illegal aliens’
The way libraries’ materials are discovered have changed throughout the years — and so have the terms used to describe them. (Photo by Violet Carter for the UC Berkeley Library)Editor’s note: This article contains terms that, while offensive, are included to provide historical context.
Why You Need to Stop Using These Words and Phrases
Language has long been used to dehumanize or marginalize people with disabilities. Ableist language shows up in different ways: as metaphors, jokes, or euphemisms. While ableism exists beyond the words we use, in structures and policies, our vocabularies can help us how we think and behave with people around us. We spoke to four disability rights activists to know why our words matter, how they influence our biases, thoughts, and behaviors and what we can do to check them.
A note on inclusive language: intersectionality, feminism, womxn, cis, nonbinary, etc. - Feminist Oasis
Note: This resource on inclusive language is an article to explain why we choose to use certain inclusive terms, and what those terms mean, for those who may not understand or be familiar with these terms. Our goal is to be as inclusive and intersectional as possible, however, as any single source, we are by...
10 Questions You Always Wanted to Ask a Gender Fluid Person
We met up with Durga Gawde and spoke to them about what it's like identifying as gender fluid, how many times they have to explain to people what that means and why they're tired of it.
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What Are Pronouns?
Here’s our guide on what pronouns are, why they matter, and how to use new ones and support your trans friends!
When you come out as trans, people sometimes take a while to adjust to your new pronouns, or don’t quite understand.
So we launched a new campaign to help! An article that introduces the topic, a video with a rundown from trans young people, and a web app where you can learn and practice pronouns!
Marco Fink
Jess Panczel
Marco Fink
Minus18 is Australia's largest youth-led organisation for same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people. This is where we belong.
Why Pronouns Matter
Asking for and using correct pronouns is a way to respect those around you and create an inclusive environment for people of all genders and gender expressions. Here is a short primer on pronoun use at Columbia, with some quick suggestions for how to be an ally to queer and transgender members of our University community.
Students can now opt to list the pronouns they use in CourseWorks. For more information on pronouns in use and for additional resources, visit:
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