University Libraries partners with Arizona Queer Archives to preserve LGBTQI+ stories and history | University of Arizona News
The Arizona Queer Archives, the first archive in Arizona to capture the histories and stories of LGBTQI+ communities, has a new home in the University Libraries Special Collections.
Pride Month Heritage Spotlight: Judge Judith Levy
Judge Judith E. Levy considers the Stonewall rebellion in 1969 as the tipping point in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community’s quest for equality and inclusion. In recognition of LGBTQ Pride Month, a new video profile explores Levy’s experience coming out, her pursuit of a career in law, and the social change advocates who inspired her.
Professional Development - GLSEN
When educators are visibly supportive of LGBTQ students, everyone benefits. Through our Chapter-based Professional Development program, GLSEN offers tools and resources to thousands of educators who seek to make their classrooms and schools a safe place for all students. Based on 25+ years of experience and research, GLSEN boasts a robust educator training program with a series of modules curated to cover an array of topics suitable for a diverse range of audiences.
Proud to Be Born This Way: A Look Back at the Road to Pride and LGBTQ Rights - HeinOnline Blog
June 2020 marked a special month for the LGBTQ community. Not only was it Pride month, but it’s was also the 50th anniversary of annual LGBTQ and Pride traditions. Let’s take a closer look at this movement, what rights they have, and what they’re still fighting for.
Trans Day of Visibility: Activists Chase Strangio & Raquel Willis Demand Action on Anti-Trans Laws
On Trans Day of Visibility, we look at the wave of anti-trans laws being enacted across the U.S., with dozens more anti-trans bills making their way through state legislatures. The Arkansas Senate has approved one of the most harmful bans on access to healthcare for transgender youth by prohibiting the use of gender-affirming care, including hormones and puberty blockers. Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi have enacted new laws aimed at banning trans athletes from joining sports teams, and in South Dakota, two executive orders bar trans women and girls from playing school sports. “We are truly witnessing an escalation of attacks on trans people unlike anything I’ve ever seen in government,” says Chase Strangio, deputy director for transgender justice with the ACLU’s LGBT & HIV Project. We also speak with journalist and activist Raquel Willis, who says higher visibility for trans people is not enough. “We can’t just rest on some of the social strides that we’ve made,” says Willis. “We also need to be using that action to change our material realities and protect our rights.”
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LGBTQ | How You See Me
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UN Free & Equal - The Price of Exclusion
Free & Equal’s newest video – narrated by movie star Zachary Quinto – exposes just how much LGBT exclusion really costs.
Rates of poverty, homelessness, depression and suicide have been found to be far higher among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people than in the general population. But it’s not just LGBT people who pay the price. We all do. Every LGBT child thrown out of home and forced to miss out on education is a loss for society. Every LGBT worker denied their rights is a lost opportunity to build a fairer and more productive economy.
These losses are entirely self-inflicted. With different laws and policies in place and a different mind-set, we could and would achieve a more free and equal world – that is more prosperous too!
For more info visit:
Special thanks to Zachary Quinto, Shape History and the Cutting Room Studios, New York.
NB: For closed captions in additional languages, click the "CC" button in the bottom of the viewing screen and select language.
The Riddle: new anti-homophobia message from UN human rights office
76 countries still criminalize consensual same-sex relationships and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people everywhere continue to suffer violent attacks and discriminatory treatment. In this simple, high-impact video from the UN human rights office, individuals from diverse backgrounds pose questions directly to the viewer designed to expose the nature of human rights violations suffered by LGBT people around the world. The video includes cameo appearances by UN Secretary-General and High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. The UN's message: LGBT rights are human rights. Together we will build a world that is free and equal.
You can watch this video with English, French, Spanish, Italian and Korean Captions by clicking the small, square "CC" button in the bottom of the YouTube screen and selecting language. Over the next days we will also be adding Chinese and Arabic. Keep checking the site for updates.
LGBTQ leadership in higher education - Raymond E. Crossman (Editor)
"Fifteen currently serving or retired LGBTQ presidents and chancellors in higher education consider whether there is something distinctive about LGBTQ leadership and attempt to draw insights and principles from their specific lived experiences. In essays across 12 topics, the authors address why LGBTQ leadership matters at this moment and, more broadly, why diversity, inclusion, and equity in leadership is important to meet today's challenges for higher education and human rights"--
Getting to Ellen : a memoir about love, honesty, and gender change - Ellen Krug
"What is the price of living an authentic life? Ellen Krug knows . As a man named, "Ed," she had everything anyone could ever want: a soul mate's love, two beautiful daughters, a house in the best neighborhood, a successful trial lawyer's career -- a Grand Plan life so picture-pefect it inspired a beautiful pastel drawing. But there was a problem: "Ed" was a woman born into a male body. Finding inner peace meant Ed would have to become Ellen. It also meant losing that picture-perfect life. How could anyone make that choice, pay that kind of price? Then again, how could anyone not? Through what became a "gender journey," Ellen Krug discovered her true self and the honesty it takes to make life-changing decisions. Getting to Ellen is more than one person's story about some things lost and others gained. It's a glimpse into the life choices that all of us make -- whether or not we're transgender."
Cruising the library: perversities in the organization of knowledge - Melissa Adler
Cruising the Library offers a highly innovative analysis of the history of sexuality and categories of sexual perversion through a critical examination of the Library of Congress and its cataloging practices. Taking the publication of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's Epistemologies of the Closet as emblematic of the Library's inability to account for sexual difference, Melissa Adler embarks upon a detailed critique of how cataloging systems have delimited and proscribed expressions of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and race in a manner that mirrors psychiatric and sociological attempts to pathologize non-normative sexual practices and civil subjects. Taking up a parallel analysis, Adler utilizes Roderick A. Ferguson's Aberrations in Black as another example of how the Library of Congress fails to account for, and thereby "buries," difference. She examines the physical space of the Library as one that encourages forms of governmentality as theorized by Michel Foucault while also allowing for its utopian possibilities. Finally, she offers a brief but highly illuminating history of the Delta Collection. Likely established before the turn of the twentieth century and active until its gradual dissolution in the 1960s, the Delta Collection was a secret archive within the Library of Congress that housed materials confiscated by the United States Post Office and other federal agencies. These were materials deemed too obscene for public dissemination or general access. Adler reveals how the Delta Collection was used to regulate difference and squelch dissent in the McCarthy era while also linking it to evolving understandings of so-called perversion in the scientific study of sexual difference. Sophisticated, engrossing, and highly readable, Cruising the Library provides us with a critical understanding of library science, an alternative view of discourses around the history of sexuality, and an analysis of the relationship between governmentality and the cataloging of research and information--as well as categories of difference--in American culture.
Violence Against Trans and Non-Binary People
Transgender individuals and communities experience shocking amounts of violence and discrimination. This section offers some information on the staggering rates of violence that trans and non-binary people face, although it should be noted that data is limited. In addition to experiencing high rates of domestic and sexual violence, trans and non-binary people are often the targets of transphobic hate crimes and state violence. As always, listening to and believing survivors is critical.
2015 U.S. Transgender Survey Report — 2022 U.S. Trans Survey
The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey Report analyzes the experience of trans people in all 50 states as well as marginalized groups including: Black, Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Latinx, American Indian, and Alaska Native respondents.
State Sponsored Homophobia: Global Legislation Overview Update - ILGA World
This year has been a heavy blow for most members of our communities and has left many of us struggling to survive, and trying to make a living amidst hostile contexts that became even more expulsive, unequal and violent.
Prohibiting Gender-Affirming Medical Care for Youth
As of March 2022, 15 states have restricted access to gender-affirming care or are currently considering laws that would do so. The bills carry severe penalties for health care providers, and sometimes families, who provide or seek out gender-affirming care for minors. This study estimates the number of transgender youth at risk of losing access to gender-affirming care under these bills.
NCAVP Platform to End Violence Against LGBT - National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
We work to prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within LGBTQ communities. We’re a national coalition of local member programs, affiliate organizations and individual affiliates who create systemic and social change. We strive to increase power, safety and resources through data analysis, policy advocacy, education and technical assistance.
Movement Advancement Project | Mapping Transgender Equality in the United States
MAP's latest report, Mapping Transgender Equality in the United States, looks at legal equality for transgender people across the country by examining the protections states provide based on gender identity.
The Global Reach of So-Called Conversion Therapy | Outright International
Read the Full Publication Read the Publication in Tagalog Read the Publication in Spanish
This pioneering report by Outright International provides a global snapshot of what is known about “conversion therapy” around the world, including who is most vulnerable, what factors lead LGBTIQ people to choose or to be subjected to these harmful practices, what are the main forms of “conversion therapy,” and who are the main perpetrators.
Violence Against Trans and Non-Binary People - Violence against Women Network
Transgender individuals and communities experience shocking amounts of violence and discrimination. This section offers some information on the staggering rates of violence that trans and non-binary people face, although it should be noted that data is limited. In addition to experiencing high rates of domestic and sexual violence, trans and non-binary people are often the targets of transphobic hate crimes and state violence.