Found 260 bookmarks
Pride parades march on with new urgency across US
Pride parades march on with new urgency across US
NEW YORK (AP) — Pride parades kicked off in New York City and around the country Sunday with glittering confetti, cheering crowds, fluttering rainbow flags and newfound fears about losing freedoms won through decades of activism.
Pride parades march on with new urgency across US
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law in a Nutshell — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law in a Nutshell — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law in a Nutshell provides a good overview of some of the unique laws surrounding and the issues facing the LGBT community. Inside, you will find succinct, yet detailed discussions of the regulation of sexuality, gender identity and expression, parentho
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law in a Nutshell — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
USDA Promotes Program Access, Combats Discrimination Against LGBTQI+ Community
USDA Promotes Program Access, Combats Discrimination Against LGBTQI+ Community
WASHINGTON, May 5, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced today that it will interpret the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and in the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program (7 USC § 2011 et seq.), to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
USDA Promotes Program Access, Combats Discrimination Against LGBTQI+ Community
Pride Month Heritage Spotlight: Judge Judith Levy
Pride Month Heritage Spotlight: Judge Judith Levy
Judge Judith E. Levy considers the Stonewall rebellion in 1969 as the tipping point in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community’s quest for equality and inclusion. In recognition of LGBTQ Pride Month, a new video profile explores Levy’s experience coming out, her pursuit of a career in law, and the social change advocates who inspired her.
Pride Month Heritage Spotlight: Judge Judith Levy
Michigan Legislature - Section 37.2202
Michigan Legislature - Section 37.2202
The Michigan Legislature Website is a free service of the Legislative Internet Technology Team in cooperation with the Michigan Legislative Council, the Michigan House of Representatives, and the Michigan Senate.
Michigan Legislature - Section 37.2202
Professional Development - GLSEN
Professional Development - GLSEN
When educators are visibly supportive of LGBTQ students, everyone benefits. Through our Chapter-based Professional Development program, GLSEN offers tools and resources to thousands of educators who seek to make their classrooms and schools a safe place for all students. Based on 25+ years of experience and research, GLSEN boasts a robust educator training program with a series of modules curated to cover an array of topics suitable for a diverse range of audiences.
Professional Development - GLSEN
Proud to Be Born This Way: A Look Back at the Road to Pride and LGBTQ Rights - HeinOnline Blog
Proud to Be Born This Way: A Look Back at the Road to Pride and LGBTQ Rights - HeinOnline Blog
June 2020 marked a special month for the LGBTQ community. Not only was it Pride month, but it’s was also the 50th anniversary of annual LGBTQ and Pride traditions. Let’s take a closer look at this movement, what rights they have, and what they’re still fighting for.
Proud to Be Born This Way: A Look Back at the Road to Pride and LGBTQ Rights - HeinOnline Blog
LGBTQ | How You See Me
LGBTQ | How You See Me
People have been talking ABOUT the LGBTQ community, so we decided to talk with them to learn from their experiences. Tell us, how does the world see YOU? Do you feel defined by your skin color, gender, or maybe even your religion? We love to connect with YOU, no matter what language you speak. Help SoulPancake create captions in your language by clicking here: ▃ ▅ ▆ SUBSCRIBE to SoulPancake ▆ ▅ ▃ THE SPOONFUL, our weekly dose of good stuff from across the web: MERCH STORE: Buy our BOOK: Follow us on FACEBOOK: TWEET us at: Visit our WEBSITE:
LGBTQ | How You See Me
UN Free & Equal - The Price of Exclusion
UN Free & Equal - The Price of Exclusion
Free & Equal’s newest video – narrated by movie star Zachary Quinto – exposes just how much LGBT exclusion really costs. Rates of poverty, homelessness, depression and suicide have been found to be far higher among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people than in the general population. But it’s not just LGBT people who pay the price. We all do. Every LGBT child thrown out of home and forced to miss out on education is a loss for society. Every LGBT worker denied their rights is a lost opportunity to build a fairer and more productive economy. These losses are entirely self-inflicted. With different laws and policies in place and a different mind-set, we could and would achieve a more free and equal world – that is more prosperous too! For more info visit: Special thanks to Zachary Quinto, Shape History and the Cutting Room Studios, New York. NB: For closed captions in additional languages, click the "CC" button in the bottom of the viewing screen and select language.
UN Free & Equal - The Price of Exclusion
The Riddle: new anti-homophobia message from UN human rights office
The Riddle: new anti-homophobia message from UN human rights office
76 countries still criminalize consensual same-sex relationships and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people everywhere continue to suffer violent attacks and discriminatory treatment. In this simple, high-impact video from the UN human rights office, individuals from diverse backgrounds pose questions directly to the viewer designed to expose the nature of human rights violations suffered by LGBT people around the world. The video includes cameo appearances by UN Secretary-General and High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. The UN's message: LGBT rights are human rights. Together we will build a world that is free and equal. You can watch this video with English, French, Spanish, Italian and Korean Captions by clicking the small, square "CC" button in the bottom of the YouTube screen and selecting language. Over the next days we will also be adding Chinese and Arabic. Keep checking the site for updates.
The Riddle: new anti-homophobia message from UN human rights office
LGBTQ leadership in higher education - Raymond E. Crossman (Editor)
LGBTQ leadership in higher education - Raymond E. Crossman (Editor)
"Fifteen currently serving or retired LGBTQ presidents and chancellors in higher education consider whether there is something distinctive about LGBTQ leadership and attempt to draw insights and principles from their specific lived experiences. In essays across 12 topics, the authors address why LGBTQ leadership matters at this moment and, more broadly, why diversity, inclusion, and equity in leadership is important to meet today's challenges for higher education and human rights"--
LGBTQ leadership in higher education - Raymond E. Crossman (Editor)
Cruising the library: perversities in the organization of knowledge - Melissa Adler
Cruising the library: perversities in the organization of knowledge - Melissa Adler
Cruising the Library offers a highly innovative analysis of the history of sexuality and categories of sexual perversion through a critical examination of the Library of Congress and its cataloging practices. Taking the publication of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's Epistemologies of the Closet as emblematic of the Library's inability to account for sexual difference, Melissa Adler embarks upon a detailed critique of how cataloging systems have delimited and proscribed expressions of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and race in a manner that mirrors psychiatric and sociological attempts to pathologize non-normative sexual practices and civil subjects. Taking up a parallel analysis, Adler utilizes Roderick A. Ferguson's Aberrations in Black as another example of how the Library of Congress fails to account for, and thereby "buries," difference. She examines the physical space of the Library as one that encourages forms of governmentality as theorized by Michel Foucault while also allowing for its utopian possibilities. Finally, she offers a brief but highly illuminating history of the Delta Collection. Likely established before the turn of the twentieth century and active until its gradual dissolution in the 1960s, the Delta Collection was a secret archive within the Library of Congress that housed materials confiscated by the United States Post Office and other federal agencies. These were materials deemed too obscene for public dissemination or general access. Adler reveals how the Delta Collection was used to regulate difference and squelch dissent in the McCarthy era while also linking it to evolving understandings of so-called perversion in the scientific study of sexual difference. Sophisticated, engrossing, and highly readable, Cruising the Library provides us with a critical understanding of library science, an alternative view of discourses around the history of sexuality, and an analysis of the relationship between governmentality and the cataloging of research and information--as well as categories of difference--in American culture.
Cruising the library: perversities in the organization of knowledge - Melissa Adler
Policing LGBQ People
Policing LGBQ People
Using data from the Generations Study and the Police-Public Contact Survey, this study examines the frequency and types of police interactions experienced by LGBQ people compared with the general U.S. population.
Policing LGBQ People
NCAVP Platform to End Violence Against LGBT - National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
NCAVP Platform to End Violence Against LGBT - National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
We work to prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within LGBTQ communities. We’re a national coalition of local member programs, affiliate organizations and individual affiliates who create systemic and social change. We strive to increase power, safety and resources through data analysis, policy advocacy, education and technical assistance.
NCAVP Platform to End Violence Against LGBT - National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs