Multitopic Resources

#religion #prisons
The Honest Struggle Discussion Guide - Imrul Mazid, Justin Mashouf, David R. Coolidge, Umar Hakim, Katelyn Stoler, and Sadiq Davis
The Honest Struggle Discussion Guide - Imrul Mazid, Justin Mashouf, David R. Coolidge, Umar Hakim, Katelyn Stoler, and Sadiq Davis
Resources surrounding the topics discussed in "The Honest Struggle" documentary. This film is available to stream from the University of Arizona Library Website. This film was directed by UArizona alumni Justin Mashouf.
The Honest Struggle Discussion Guide - Imrul Mazid, Justin Mashouf, David R. Coolidge, Umar Hakim, Katelyn Stoler, and Sadiq Davis