Research Guides: Allyship and Anti-Oppression: A Resource Guide: Home
Multitopic Resources
Disability Justice - The Seattle Public Library
Disability Justice by leahlakshmi - a community-created list : Books and articles and films by disabled, d(D)eaf, chronically ill and neurodivergent majority Black and brown people, many queer and trans, writing about fighting ableism, disabled lives, political struggles, communities and histories, sharing skills and organizing tactics and art, making revolution. This list was created by writer and disability justice cultural worker and organizer Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, If you share this publicly, please do so with credit.
LibGuides: Social Equity Resources: Home
JSTOR Companion to the Schomburg Center's Black Liberation Reading List - Brian Jones
"JSTOR has created an open library to support readers seeking to engage with BIPOC+Q-authored reading lists like the one developed by the New York Public Library."