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LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
This guide is intended to provide some general information about anti-oppression, diversity, and inclusion as well as information and resources for the social justice issues key to the University of West Florida community. This guide is by no means exhaustive but rather serves as a starting place for finding information from a variety of sources. It will continue to develop in response to evolving anti-oppression issues and community needs
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
Please note that as of January 2023, this guide is no longer being updated. Email for further information. This guide is intended to provide some general information about anti-oppression, diversity, and inclusion as well as information and resources for the social justice issues key to the Simmons University community. This guide is by no means exhaustive, but rather serves as a starting place for finding information from a variety of sources. It will continue to develop in response to evolving anti-oppression issues and community needs.
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
Emerson College Library: Radical Guide for Social Justice
Emerson College Library: Radical Guide for Social Justice
Social Justice Center at Emerson College Welcome to a Radical Guide for Social Justice. Among these tabs you will find a collection of texts, videos, podcasts, and other multimodal materials gathered by members of the Social Justice Center at Emerson College as we work to deepen our individual knowledge and collective practice. We share this collection for those who are also interested in doing their own work for social justice. These topics provide an entry point for further exploration into social justice, anti-oppression, liberation, and organizing movements. As you expand your interest in any particular area, we encourage you to take an intersectional approach by exploring other topics as well. Please click the SJC logo to visit our homepage at Emerson College for additional information about who we are, the work we do, and resources we offer.
Emerson College Library: Radical Guide for Social Justice
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression LibGuide: Anti-oppression resources
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression LibGuide: Anti-oppression resources
This guide serves as a starting point to learn about anti-oppression, inclusion, and privilege, as well as to provide resources to key social justice issues. The New York Tech community is welcome to suggest recommendations. This guide attempts to provide general information and serve as a starting point to learn about anti-oppression, inclusion, and privilege, as well as provide knowledge and resources to key social justice issues The NYIT community is welcome to suggest res
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression LibGuide: Anti-oppression resources
Research Guides: Anti-Oppression
Research Guides: Anti-Oppression
Welcome! This guide is informed by the Catholic social teaching concept of "human dignity," and provides resources to help the UP community approach every member with dignity, regardless of race, sex/gender identity, ability, class, or political perspective. As Pope John XXIII said: "Any human society, if it is to be well-ordered and productive, must lay down as a foundation this principle, namely, that every human being is a person, that is, his nature is endowed with intelligence and free will. Indeed, precisely because he is a person he has rights and obligations flowing directly and simultaneously from his very nature." Pacem in Terris (“Peace on Earth”), 1963, #9.
Research Guides: Anti-Oppression
This List Of Books Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start Not A Panacea - Code Switch
This List Of Books Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start Not A Panacea - Code Switch
"To help people be better allies lists of antiracist books films and podcasts are being published in droves. There's never a bad time to learn but such a list can become erroneously prescriptive a balm to centuries-old lacerations that cut deeper than the individual reader. As Lauren Michele Jackson wrote for Vulture "The word [anti-racism] and its nominal equivalent "anti-racist" suggests something of a vanity project where the goal is no longer to learn more about race power and capital but to spring closer to the enlightened order of the antiracist." So with that in mind we've compiled a list of books films and podcasts about systemic racism acknowledging that they are just books films and podcasts. You'll find research on how racism permeates everything from the criminal justice system to health care. We hope you spend some time with these resources (and that you listen to Code Switch — here's a list of episodes to get you started). Information is power — you decide what you do with it."
This List Of Books Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start Not A Panacea - Code Switch