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The North Star with Shaun King | Substack
The North Star with Shaun King | Substack
Independent, grassroots liberation-journalism focused on politics, power, race, policing, mass incarceration, organizing, and change. No ads, no spam, no hate or trolls because we are 100% supported by members like you. Click to read The North Star with Shaun King, a Substack publication with hundreds of thousands of readers.
The North Star with Shaun King | Substack
Podcasts - The North Star with Shaun King
Podcasts - The North Star with Shaun King
Independent, grassroots liberation-journalism focused on politics, power, race, policing, mass incarceration, organizing, and change. No ads, no spam, no hate or trolls because we are 100% supported by members like you. Click to read The North Star with Shaun King, a Substack publication with hundreds of thousands of readers.
Podcasts - The North Star with Shaun King
Invisible Institute
Invisible Institute
We are a nonprofit journalism production company on the South Side of Chicago. We work to enhance the capacity of citizens to hold public institutions accountable. Among the tactics we employ are investigative reporting, multimedia storytelling, human rights documentation, the curation of public information, and the orchestration of difficult public conversations. Our work coheres around a central principle: we as citizens have co-responsibility with the government for maintaining respect for human rights and, when abuses occur, for demanding redress.
Invisible Institute