Arizona House committee moves to prevent police budget cuts
The bill would make it illegal for a city to spend less on its police force than it did in the year prior. But no Arizona cities have reduced their police budgets since the 2008 recession.
Voters Could Approve Plan to Take Racist Language from Alabama Constitution - Mike Cason
"Alabama voters will decide on Nov. 3 whether to start an effort to take outdated racist language out of the state constitution such as the requirement for segregated schools and revise the massive document into a more understandable form."
United States: Arizona Cities Expand Discrimination Protections - Steven G. Biddle
"Arizona recdisently expanded provisions of the Arizona Civil Rights Act (ACRA) to cover pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions. Additionally following a national trend in response to perceived state and federal inaction cities in Arizona on their own passed new ordinances that expands protected categories and coverage."
Zanelle Brown | Many states and local municipalities, as well as private businesses, will close up shop in observation of the new federal holiday, Juneteenth.
What Don't You Understand About Apprehension of Bias? - Slaw
This post is a detour from my series on section 3 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Superior Court of Justice and Court of Appeal Working Families decisions (see here and here (SCJ) and here (ONCA)). (See those posts here, here, here and here). In this post I provide some thoughts […]
University receives $1.5M grant for wrongful conviction reviews
The University of Arizona Innocence Project has received a $1.5 million grant from the Department of Justice to enhance its efforts in investigating wrongful convictions, particularly through DNA evidence analysis.
Cutting 'race and ethnicity' from ABA's law school diversity rules goes too far, critics say
Eliminating the terms “race and ethnicity” from the American Bar Association’s law school accreditation rules will hobble longstanding efforts to bring in diverse students and faculty, critics warned in public comments on the proposal.