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Henrietta Lacks' Family Hires Ben Crump for Legal Battle - Free Press/NPR
Henrietta Lacks' Family Hires Ben Crump for Legal Battle - Free Press/NPR
"The family of the late Henrietta Lacks who unwittingly spurred a research bonanza when her cancer cells were taken without her knowledge in 1951 has hired a prominent civil rights lawyer to seek compensation from pharmaceutical companies."
Henrietta Lacks' Family Hires Ben Crump for Legal Battle - Free Press/NPR
United States: Arizona Cities Expand Discrimination Protections - Steven G. Biddle
United States: Arizona Cities Expand Discrimination Protections - Steven G. Biddle
"Arizona recdisently expanded provisions of the Arizona Civil Rights Act (ACRA) to cover pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions. Additionally following a national trend in response to perceived state and federal inaction cities in Arizona on their own passed new ordinances that expands protected categories and coverage."
United States: Arizona Cities Expand Discrimination Protections - Steven G. Biddle